
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 18 résultats

The EU Succession Regulation (Regulation 650/2012) allows for cross-border circulation of authentic instruments in a matter of succession. Authentic instruments are documents created by authorised authorities which benefit from certain evidential advantages. As this Regulation does not harmonise Member State substantive laws or procedures concerning succession the laws relating to the domestic evidentiary effects of succession authentic instruments remain diverse. Article 59 of the Succession Regulation ...

Le concept de droit privé, qui s'oppose à celui de droit public, est le fruit d'une longue tradition et se voit réserver une place importante dans la plupart des États membres de l'Union européenne. Le droit privé national est, en quelque sorte, la constitution de la société civile et, en termes de justice sociale, il jouit d'une forte légitimité démocratique. Toutefois, cette distinction est moins importante lorsque l'on se tourne vers la réglementation européenne, qui dote l'Union de compétences ...

Upcoming Issues of EU Law

Analyse approfondie 15-09-2014

Upon request by the JURI Committee, five specific topics have been chosen for the workshop "Upcoming issues of EU law" on the afternoon of 24 September 2014 as being representative of different avenues for the future development of the law and aiming at giving Members of the European Parliament an overview of the work of the Legal Affairs Committee in several of its areas of competence. The workshop focuses both on work that has been accomplished in the past and on challenges that may be expected ...

Upon request by the JURI Committee, this study provides an analysis of improvements to European rules on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments. It concerns, in particular, disputes connected to third (non-EU) States by virtue of the domicile of the defendant or as a result of a connecting factor that the European Union considers as a ground for exclusive jurisdiction where it points towards the courts of a Member State. In summary, the research is aimed at determining the external boundaries ...

Private law regulates rela­tionships between private individuals, for example between a consumer and a business. The EU may legislate in this area only where specifically authorised by the Treaties, for instance to harmonise national private-law rules posing obstacles to the functioning of the internal market, or to promote judicial cooperation in civil matters. The two types of legal instruments used by the EU legislature in the area of private law are directives and regulations. Some directives ...

Le 11 octobre 2012, la commission des affaires juridiques (JURI) a demandé l'élaboration d'un rapport sur le coût de la non-Europe (CoNE) en vue de l'établissement possible d'un code européen du droit international privé. Ce rapport analyse la question formelle du code et, plus particulièrement, celle des "lacunes" du droit international privé de l'Union européenne à combler, ainsi que le coût associé à leur persistance pour les citoyens et les entreprises. Il propose également des arguments de nature ...

This briefing note explains the problems which the Common European Sales Law (CESL) sets out to solve, to what extent it actually achieves those goals and where the proposal leaves room for improvement. The paper focuses on consumer contracts concluded between parties located within the EU. It intentionally leaves the many complicated and technical details of Private International Law aside in order to make the basic structures of the current system more visible so that the usefulness of a CESL can ...

Le présent rapport met en lumière les lacunes qui existent dans le cadre européen actuel du droit international privé et esquisse une feuille de route en direction d'une codification plus complète du droit international privé au niveau de l'Union européenne. Les efforts législatifs doivent aujourd'hui être focalisés sur l'élaboration d'instruments distincts pour une série d'aspects précis du droit international privé. Les fruits de ces efforts pourraient à terme être unifiés dans un code du droit ...

This document contains an analysis of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2011/0130/COD on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters under a national judge's perspective.