
Vos résultats

Affichage 9 de 9 résultats

Si les appels à réformer l’Union européenne se sont multipliés ces dernières années, notamment en réaction par rapport aux divers problèmes que l’Union a rencontrés, c’est le résultat du référendum de juin 2016 sur l’adhésion du Royaume-Uni à l’Union qui a donné un coup d’accélérateur au processus. Dans ce contexte, les principales institutions de l’Union ont toutes contribué au débat et des groupes d’États membres ou des États membres à titre individuel ont, eux aussi, présenté des initiatives. ...

Les traités de Maastricht et d'Amsterdam

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-04-2017

Le traité de Maastricht a modifié les précédents traités européens et créé une Union européenne fondée sur trois piliers: les Communautés européennes, la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune (PESC) et la coopération dans les domaines de la justice et des affaires intérieures (JAI). En vue de l'élargissement de l'Union, le traité d'Amsterdam a introduit les adaptations nécessaires à assurer un fonctionnement plus efficace et démocratique de l'Union.

This Study examines the functioning of EU Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) cooperation in light of the reforms and innovations introduced by the Lisbon Treaty since the end of 2009. It identifies the main challenges and deficits characterising the practical and effective implementation of these transformations and suggests specific ways for the European Parliament to address them. The Study recommends that that any future legislative reform or Treaty change should not promote or enable further differentiation ...

The Open Method of Coordination

En bref 19-10-2014

The EU response to the 2008 economic crisis, which has exposed the weaknesses of the EU economic governance of the time, has resulted in a debate on how to find a balance between intergovernmentalism and supranational actions within the EU framework, bringing into question further use of soft intergovernmental methods, such as the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). In addition to that, with social and education issues increasingly gaining attention in the EU, OMC, one of the governance instruments ...

Differentiated integration - where some Member States are not yet ready or are unwilling to participate in new developments – is a fact of today's European Union. Nonetheless, the route chosen by the Member States to move forward has a major impact both on the legal certainty around any new instruments and on their democratic oversight. Recent developments in the field of economic and monetary union illustrate very well the difficulties which arise.

Governance of the Schengen Area aims to find the balance between freedom of movement and the need for security, in the context of increasing globalisation. Within the European integration process, freedom of movement started with workers, as part of the establishment of a common market.

This compendium includes articles of a number of eminent experts invited by the Policy Department C to exchange with the Members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the issues related to the challenges of the multi-tier governance in the EU. They aim at providing unique insights into the major questions of efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy that the EU governance is currently facing. While dealing with the lessons from the past experiences of the differentiated ...

These two briefing papers mark the end of series of briefing papers supporting the meetings the Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis (CRIS) held in January and February 2011. In preparation for the discussions on the Committee's draft final report these meetings dealt with key questions of the crisis. The first briefing deals with the different ways of decision-making in the area of European Economic Governance; where six proposals are currently under discussion while economic ...

This paper examines and analyses Common Agricultural Policy, The Common Fisheries Policy as well as the Cohesion and Structural Funds Policies, and looks at the future perspectives for the common intervention policies, including the possible effects of EU enlargement.