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This information note on the fisheries sector in Mauritania was prepared for the delegation of the PECH Committee which will be carrying out a visit from 2 to 6 April 2018. This note provides a description of the fisheries in Mauritania’s maritime areas and an analysis of the fisheries agreement with the European Union.

Zajednička ribarstvena politika: nastanak i razvoj

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Zajednička ribarstvena politika (ZRP) prvi je put formulirana u Ugovoru iz Rima. Na početku je bila povezana sa zajedničkom poljoprivrednom politikom, no s vremenom je postajala neovisnija. Glavni cilj zajedničke ribarstvene politike od njezine reforme iz 2002. je osigurati održivo ribarstvo te zajamčiti prihode i stabilna radna mjesta ribarima. Ugovorom iz Lisabona uveden je veći broj izmjena u području ribarstvene politike. Vijeće i Parlament postigli su dogovor o novom ZRP-u 2013. godine, a njegov ...

Međunarodni odnosi u području ribarstva

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Europska unija sklopila je više od 20 međunarodnih sporazuma o ribarstvu u cilju promicanja pravnih i gospodarskih okvira te okvira u području socijalnog upravljanja i okoliša, dobivanja pristupa glavnim ribolovnim područjima u svijetu ili promicanja programa za praćenje, kontrolu ili nadzor radi borbe protiv nezakonitog ribolova. Europska unija sklapa bilateralne sporazume kao što su sporazumi o partnerstvu u održivom ribarstvu ili multilateralne sporazume poput sporazuma s regionalnim organizacijama ...

Očuvanje ribolovnih resursa

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Za očuvanje ribolovnih resursa potrebno je osigurati ekološki održivo iskorištavanje tih resursa i dugoročnu vitalnost sektora. Kako bi se taj cilj postigao, Europska unija usvojila je zakone kojima se uređuje pristup vodama EU-a, raspodjela i iskorištavanje resursa, ukupni dopušteni ulov i ograničenje ribolovnog napora te druge tehničke mjere.

The present note was requested by the Committee on Fisheries of the European Parliament for its Delegation to Japan (18-22 September 2017). The note provides a review of the main characteristics and specificities of Japan fisheries sector and related activities. It provides an overview of issues such as the legal and institutional framework, fisheries management, catches, the fishing fleet, fishing industry, trade, employment, the fish market and marine research.

The overview of the fisheries in Madeira was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee of Fisheries to Madeira in 2017 (22-25 May).

After staging a military coup against the Yingluck Shinawatra government, a junta has been ruling Thailand since 22 May 2014. It has drastically restricted political activities and freedom of speech. There have been numerous human rights abuses, including torture. Under a ‘roadmap to democracy’, a referendum on a new constitution is planned for August 2017 and could be followed by elections at a later stage. However, the military might retain power until the king’s successor accedes to the throne ...

Fisheries in Reunion

Detaljna analiza 15-09-2015

European outermost regions including Reunion are important providers of seafood to the Europeans. Adversely, fisheries play an important role in the economy of insular regions. These remote territories experience specific hardships in relation to their economic development, due to their location, limited range of activities in which they can sustain a competitive advantage. The recent EU fisheries policy change and the expected national compensation scheme for the outermost regions are to remedy ...