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The European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs is developing the LIBE Legislative Mapping Project, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). This long-term project consists of a comprehensive up-to-date overview of existing and emerging EU legislation and related information in the field of justice and home affairs (JHA) in the form of an online tool for MEPs and their staff.

In response to the migration challenge, on 13 May 2015 the European Commission presented the European Agenda on Migration, with the aim of setting out a comprehensive approach for improving the management of migration in all its aspects. Several implementation packages under the Agenda have already been adopted and the measures therein are starting to be deployed; legislative proposals have also been made and are currently being discussed in Parliament and Council.

This briefing presents a short summary of the positions taken by the European Parliament on issues related to migration and asylum in its most recent relevant Resolutions. It has been prepared for the high-level conference on migration management which takes place on 21st June 2017.

Povelja o temeljnim pravima

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-06-2017

Poveljom o temeljnim pravima određuju se temeljna prava koja Europska unija i države članice moraju poštovati pri provedbi prava EU-a. Riječ je o pravno obvezujućem instrumentu koji je donesen kako bi se izričito priznala i učinila vidljivom uloga koju temeljna prava imaju u pravnom poretku Unije.

Područje slobode, sigurnosti i pravde: opća načela

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-04-2017

U Ugovoru iz Lisabona velika se važnost pridaje stvaranju područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde. Njime je uvedeno nekoliko važnih novosti: učinkovitiji i demokratičniji postupak odlučivanja kao odgovor na ukidanje starog ustroja utemeljenog na stupovima, veće ovlasti Suda EU-a i nova uloga nacionalnih parlamenata. Temeljna prava ojačana su Poveljom o temeljnim pravima koja je sad za EU pravno obvezujuća.

Poštovanje temeljnih prava u Uniji

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-04-2017

Dugo je vremena pravna osnova za temeljna prava na razini Europske unije prije svega bilo pozivanje na Europsku konvenciju za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda koje se navodi u Ugovorima. Sudska praksa Suda Europske unije stoga je dugo vremena imala ključnu ulogu u djelotvornom poštovanju ljudskih prava u Europskoj uniji. Od stupanja na snagu Ugovora iz Lisabona ta je pravna osnova proširena Poveljom Europske unije o temeljnim pravima koja je postala pravno obvezujuća.

Politika azila

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-04-2017

Cilj politike azila Europske unije je usklađivanje postupaka azila u državama članicama uspostavom zajedničkog sustava azila s namjerom da se svakom državljaninu treće zemlje kojem je potrebna međunarodna zaštita ponudi odgovarajući status i zajamči poštovanje načela zabrane prisilnog udaljenja ili vraćanja.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, places the new “hotspot approach” to managing migration within its policy framework. It examines the way in which EU agencies provide support to frontline Member States, with particular focus on Greece, and assesses the chief challenges identified to date in both the policy design and operational implementation of hotspots.

This compilation of briefings presents the most salient points and essential commitments made by the commissioners-designate during the hearings held in September/October 2014 before the parliamentary committees. These commitments concern the main on-going legislative procedures, the preparation of future legislative proposals as well as the scrutiny of the implementation of existing legislation. They also touch upon the crucial issue of inter-institutional cooperation.

Upon request by the JURI Committee, this in-depth analysis examines the immunity of Members of the European Parliament. It describes the scope of their immunity, as clarified by the Court of Justice of the European Union, together with the procedures followed by Parliament in cases of waiver or defence of parliamentary immunities. Lastly, it looks at the practice of the competent committee in order to infer the general principles underlying its decisions.