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The European Union’s GSP+ scheme provides trade concessions to beneficiary countries and obliges them to ratify and effectively implement key international conventions on human rights and labour rights. The sectoral gains of GSP+ have thus far been concentrated on exports of apparel, textiles and processed fish. Such sectors are often located in Export Processing Zones (EPZs) where the governance of labour rights may differ from the rest of the country and fall below international legal standards ...

Južna Azija

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-06-2017

Azija je najveći i najnapučeniji svjetski kontinent, od iznimne geostrateške važnosti za EU. EU razvija još bliže odnose sa zemljama južne Azije. Među strateške partnere EU-a sada se ubraja i Indija. Sigurnosna pitanja u regiji koja se tiču EU-a uključuju sukob u Kašmiru i Afganistan. EU ima snažnu gospodarsku ulogu, doprinosi razvoju i donator je pomoći, radi na pospješivanju izgradnje institucija, demokracije, dobrog upravljanja i ljudskih prava.

The European Parliament is seen as the most principled and outspoken EU institution within the field of human rights. However, empirical research focused on Belarus, China, Cuba, Egypt, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe suggests that translating this visibility into tangible results — protecting individuals and organisations and influencing third countries' policies violating human rights — remains an elusive goal. Many factors that determine the impact of the Parliament in the field of human rights are external ...