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The EU 'farm to fork' strategy

Kratki prikaz 13-10-2021

On 20 May 2020, the European Commission adopted a communication on 'A farm to fork strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system'. Following lively parliamentary debate, informed by Members' different views on how to build sustainable food systems, a joint committee own-initiative report on the strategy is scheduled for a plenary vote during the October II session.

This study analyses the effects of COVID-19 on the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors from March to December 2020. It gives an overview of the main effects experienced at EU level and develops eight case studies (Spain, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Portugal and Bulgaria). The research also provides conclusions and policy recommendations to strengthen the sector’s resilience to shocks, and to address current vulnerabilities in view of potential similar events. The study was commissioned ...

Fish labelling for consumers

Kratki prikaz 12-10-2017

Since the end of 2014, consumers in the European Union (EU) have had access to better information when buying fishery and aquaculture products. Mandatory labels or markings for retail sale of seafood (including some types of processed seafood) must, in particular, include information on both the commercial and the scientific names of the species, whether it has been fished or farmed, the catch area or country of production, and the fishing gear used.

Zajedničko uređenje tržišta proizvodima ribarstva i akvakulture bila je prva komponenta zajedničke ribarstvene politike (ZRP). Suočeno s nedavnom krizom u sektoru ribarstva imalo je ograničeno područje primjene zbog prirode svojih intervencijskih mehanizama i oskudnih sredstava koja su im dodijeljena, što je dovelo do sveobuhvatne reforme kojom je utvrđen novi temelj za zajedničko uređenje tržišta i cijelu zajedničku ribarstvenu politiku od 2014. Revidiranim zajedničkim uređenjem tržišta poboljšava ...

'Trans fats' or 'trans fatty acids' (TFAs) are a type of unsaturated fatty acids that have been widely used in the food industry since the 1950s. There is now broad scientific consensus that high consumption of trans fats significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), and may also be associated with increased risk of other cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes. The main dietary source of industrial trans fats are partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. The World ...

The European Commission has launched an investigation into Italian legislation prohibiting the use of condensed and powdered milk in dairy products, demanding appropriate labelling instead. Since milk powder is commonly used in cheese production elsewhere in the European Union (EU), the Italian law may contradict EU legislation on free movement of goods. Member States are allowed to impose additional food labelling requirements, on condition they are justified.

The purpose of this study is to examine and review biorefinery technology options that exist to convert biomass in the form of agricultural crop and forestry residues and waste from the whole food chain into biomaterials and bioenergy. It assesses the technological options, including the sustainability of the processes involved. The study forms part of a bigger project commissioned by the European Parliament’s STOA (‘Science and Technology Options Assessment’) office under the heading of ‘Technology ...

There is a wide variety of readily available food products on the market in the developed world today, which can provide necessary nutrition. The issue that has so far not been much focused upon and on which this study has focused is naturally-occurring substances in food, which may compromise health through, for example, toxic effects, allergenic effects or inhibition of nutrient assimilation. In particular, new knowledge has been accumulated with regard to naturally-occurring and health-compromising ...