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Members of the European Parliament form official groups – delegations – with ties to regions and organisations, as well as parliaments, in non-EU countries. Parliament has expanded its impact EU in foreign policy in recent decades, and its delegations are a key component of its diplomatic work.

The present study provides an overview of how the European Union and the European Parliament (EP) contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Ukraine. The analysis adopts an institutional approach, separately addressing the role of the various EP bodies involved, such as the plenary itself and the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI). The actions of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee (PAC), a parliamentary body created by the Association Agreement, as well as those ...

Europski parlament: ustrojstvo i način rada

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-10-2017

Ustrojstvo i način rada Europskog parlamenta utvrđuju se Poslovnikom. Politička tijela, odbori, izaslanstva i klubovi zastupnika upravljaju aktivnostima Parlamenta.

Promicanje demokracije i promatranje izbora

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Podrška demokraciji diljem svijeta jedan je od prioriteta Europske unije. Demokracija je i dalje jedini sustav vladanja koji omogućuje da ljudi u potpunosti uživaju svoja ljudska prava te predstavlja odlučujući čimbenik razvoja i dugoročne stabilnosti. Kao jedina institucija EU-a koju izravno biraju građani Unije, Europski parlament iznimno je predan promicanju demokracije.

Zemlje Perzijskog zaljeva, Iran, Irak i Jemen

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Europska unija sklopila je Sporazum o suradnji s Vijećem za suradnju zemalja Perzijskog zaljeva (regionalna organizacija koja okuplja Bahrein, Kuvajt, Oman, Katar, Saudijsku Arabiju i Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate), Sporazum o suradnji s Jemenom te Sporazum o partnerstvu i suradnji s Irakom. EU trenutačno nema ugovorne odnose s Iranom, ali vidi velik potencijal za produbljenje odnosa.


Informativni članci o EU-u 01-09-2017

Od 2014. odnosi EU-a i Rusije pod velikim su pritiskom zbog ruskog pripojenja Krima, ruske potpore pobunjenicima u istočnoj Ukrajini, ruske politike u njezinu susjedstvu i unutrašnjih zbivanja. Rusija je 2016. usvojila prodornija međunarodna stajališta, a produbile su se i napetosti oko ruskog bombardiranja Sirije. EU je od 2014. redovno obnavljao restriktivne mjere prema Rusiji. Ipak, EU i Rusija i dalje iznimno ovise jedno o drugome te EU primjenjuje pristup selektivnog angažmana.

This briefing note was prepared at the request of the FEMM Committee. The briefing provides information on the situation of women and gender equality in Morocco for FEMM Members joining an AFET delegation to Morocco from 17-20 July 2017. The briefing contains statistics and background information on the labour participation of women in Morocco, violence against women, women's political participation, and female illiteracy in Morocco. It also looks at the EU-Morocco partnership and the national and ...

The signature of the Final Peace Agreement in Colombia on 26 September 2016 brings a successful end to the negotiations between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla group. Negotiations between the two sides started in Havana four years ago, and they announced a final peace agreement on 24 August, and the declaration of a definitive ceasefire from 29 August 2016. This has thus raised expectations for a rapid end to the longest-running conflict in modern Latin America. Nevertheless, the ...

Uruguay: Political parties

Kratki prikaz 08-05-2015

Uruguay has the longest tradition of democratic stability in Latin America. The two-party system prevailing since the early 19th Century has gradually evolved into a multiparty system, with the emergence in 1971 of a major third force, the Broad Front. This party broke the National and Colorado parties' domination in the 2004 elections and has been in power since 2005.

During its 28th session from 2 to 27 March 2015, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) will mark the anniversary of its creation in March 2006. This intergovernmental body is one of the Charter-based bodies of the United Nations system and is a separate entity from Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This distinction originates from the separate mandates they were given by the General Assembly.