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This briefing note was prepared by the Policy Department for the PETI Committee and provides background information on the region of Lusatia in Germany. In particular it contains background information on the Sorb population of this region and on various aspects concerning the lignite mining activities and its consequences for the population, the economy and the environment of the region.

Access to culture in the European Union

Detaljna analiza 10-07-2017

Culture, a broad term with a variety of interpretations, is a competence of Member States. However, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union vests the EU with a supportive role towards Member States' cultural policies, protection of cultural heritage, promotion of culture and cultural cooperation. The Commission's culture work programme covers accessible and inclusive culture as an objective of EU cultural actions, in the conviction that culture can play a role in social integration, education ...

Migrants' life stories reveal different levels of difficulty or ease in the process of integration. The key importance of education as a means of integration is widely acknowledged. For a number of years, the European Parliament has called for tangible commitments and proposed practical measures to integrate migrants and their children through education, training and the recognition of skills.

Awareness of 'honour' crimes has increased in the EU in the past decade. Even though the majority of such crimes still usually go unreported, even when made known to the police, this type of crime has often been miscategorised. Experts have warned that this type of violent behaviour is different from, for example, domestic violence, because perpetrators are usually groups of people who find rationale for their crime in their cultures or traditions. The perpetrators believe that by abusing or even ...

This note seeks to provide some reflections on the challenges, current policies and possible future prospects of 'historical memory' in a European context. Based on acknowledging the complex nature of collective memories in general and shared European historical remembrance in particular, including their susceptibility to political instrumentalisation, it is argued that a critical 'culture of remembering' needs to be developed. Such a culture requires increased efforts for nation states to come to ...

In 2007 the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) launched a Socio-Cultural Community as one of three pillars (the other two being the Economic and Political-Security Communities) comprising the ASEAN Community, to be completed by 2015. This represented a new departure for ASEAN, which in the past has cooperated mainly on security and economic matters. To date, however, progress on the Socio-Cultural Community has been limited.

The present study examines the human rights impacts of the extractive industries on indigenous peoples worldwide. It finds that there continue to be significant human rights risks associated with mining, oil and gas extraction falling disproportionately on indigenous peoples. It argues that the growing demand for non-renewable resources and the need to explore and exploit resources in ever more invasive ways suggest that such activities are likely to impinge even more on the lands of indigenous communities ...

This briefing paper provides critical reflections on the European Commission Communication: ‘a European agenda for culture in a globalising world’ (COM(2007)242 final) of 10th May 2007. It highlights some potential points of progress that have been proposed to improve the EU’s difficult and faltering attempts to deal with ‘culture’ since the Treaty of Maastricht, while also identifying important issues that require greater clarity.

This note provides some reflections on the implementation of Treaty Article 151.4 and the need to take account of the specificities of the cultural and creative sectors in other EU areas. It points out that Treaty 151.4 is an obligation, not an option, and calls for a systematic scrutiny for potential cultural impacts

The forces of globalisation and technology development are paradoxical by nature, offering both threats and opportunities for cultural diversity. Yet the information society is currently perceived only as an economic imperative in a new environment shaped by rapid information technology developments, based on visions shaped primarily by technologist and business concerns and priorities. The prevailing options embedded in these visions, such as globalisa-tion based on cultural homogenisation, are ...