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The European Parliament set up its Transparency Register in 1995, in response to criticism regarding the transparency and accountability of the EU's decision-making process in the context of widespread lobbying of the EU institutions. The Commission followed suit in 2008. The two institutions merged their instruments in a joint European Transparency Register in 2011 on the basis of an interinstitutional agreement (IIA); the Council remained only an observer at that time. This original Transparency ...

Europska središnja banka (ESB)

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-11-2017

Europska središnja banka (ESB) središnja je institucija ekonomske i monetarne unije, a od 1. siječnja 1999. odgovorna je za provedbu monetarne politike u europodručju. ESB i nacionalne središnje banke svih država članica EU-a čine Europski sustav središnjih banaka. Glavni je cilj Europskog sustava središnjih banaka održavanje stabilnosti cijena. Od 4. studenog 2014. ESB je odgovoran za određene zadaće u vezi s politikama bonitetnog nadzora kreditnih institucija u okviru jedinstvenog nadzornog mehanizma ...

Europska monetarna politika

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-11-2017

Europski sustav središnjih banaka (ESSB) sastoji se od Europske središnje banke (ESB) i nacionalnih središnjih banaka svih država članica EU-a. Glavni je cilj ESSB-a održati stabilnost cijena. Kako bi se postigao taj glavni cilj, Upravno vijeće ESB-a temelji svoje odluke na strategiji monetarne politike s dvama stupovima i provodi ih koristeći se standardnim i nestandardnim mjerama monetarne politike. Glavni su instrumenti standardne monetarne politike ESB-a operacije na otvorenom tržištu, stalno ...

Upon request by the JURI Committee this in-depth analysis explains what general principles of EU administrative procedural law are, and how they can be formulated in the recitals of a Regulation on EU administrative procedure.

The aim of this note is to briefly present the state-of-play of a selection of topical subjects related to bank resolution, including topics that Ms König has been invited to discuss during the hearing. The note is prepared in advance of the first regular public hearing as referred to in Regulation (EU) No 806/2014.

This note is based upon the work accomplished by the Working Group on EU Administrative Law of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament. Having been invited to consider the Working Document drafted by the Group with critical observations and conclusions, the author wishes to acknowledge the excellent quality and usefulness of the Document, which gives a very accurate description of the State of Play in matters of EU administrative procedure law and makes clear and accurate recommendations ...