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The EU has been very active in setting up policy and funding instruments to swiftly and pragmatically mobilise initial support during the health crisis, immediately followed by efforts to get the economy back on track. This paper provides a first review of Cohesion Policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including preliminary insights on their uptake and reflections on their impact. It concludes with policy pointers on how to use the measures as accelerators for structural change.

This briefing was prepared to provide information for the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development delegation visit to Portugal of 27 February to 1 March 2019.

Europska grupacija za teritorijalnu suradnju (EGTS)

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-11-2017

Europske grupacije za teritorijalnu suradnju (EGTS) uspostavljene su za lakšu prekograničnu, transnacionalnu i međuregionalnu suradnju država članica ili njihovih regionalnih i lokalnih vlasti. One tim partnerima omogućavaju provedbu zajedničkih projekata, razmjenu iskustava i bolju koordinaciju u pogledu prostornog planiranja.

Odbor regija

Informativni članci o EU-u 01-10-2017

Odbor regija sastoji se od 350 članova koji predstavljaju regionalna i lokalna tijela 28 država članica Europske unije. Izdaje mišljenja u slučajevima kada je, prema Ugovorima, savjetovanje obavezno, neobavezno i, po potrebi, na vlastitu inicijativu. Njegovi članovi nisu vezani nikakvim obvezujućim napucima. Neovisni su u obavljanju svojih dužnosti, što je u općem interesu Unije.

Globalisation has various positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, economic opportunities can emerge. Exports may flourish, companies may find new global customers, knowledge may be easily circulated, and trade may pick up, thus stimulating economic growth. Interaction through new technological instruments helps to interconnect people in different parts of the world. However, globalisation may also have disadvantages. For instance, various EU industries (e.g. coal, steel, iron, shipbuilding ...

Technical Assistance (TA) can be a valuable tool when it comes to supporting the planning and execution of EU funds. It can, among other things, strengthen institutions and boost administrative capacity for effective EU fund management. A report appearing on the European Parliament's May plenary agenda makes various suggestions with a view to making technical assistance more efficient.

In today's Europe, the traditional rural-urban dichotomy seems no longer relevant from a territorial development point of view. The boundaries of both rural and urban regions are becoming increasingly blurred, and traditional geographic definitions no longer fully reflect the reality of areas connected by a range of complex socio-economic linkages. At the European level, statistical methods have been refined to better reflect this complexity and provide a clearer view of the European Union's territory ...

The European integration process has redefined the map of Europe, changing the fortunes of Europe's border regions from peripheral areas to poles of potential growth. Their development has been spurred by European territorial cooperation, with EGTCs playing a leading role in this EU success story. An EGTC enables entities from two or more Member States to work together under a common structure with legal personality. Its objective is to facilitate and promote cross-border, transnational and inter-regional ...

Community-led local development

Kratki prikaz 12-03-2015

Community-led local development (CLLD) is an approach to territorial development whereby local actors, who are best placed to identify challenges and make the most of local assets, work in partnership to design and implement their own strategies in order to meet development needs in their area. Having supported this approach in rural areas for more than 20 years, the EU is now putting further emphasis on it by extending the scope for funding and introducing more coherence therein.

Ova je studija izrađena u cilju ocjenjivanja razvoja i ostvarivanja strateške usklađenosti kohezijske politike u razdoblju 2014. – 2020. Na temelju analize dokumentacije i razgovora s tijelima država članica, u studiji su utvrđena općenita poboljšanja u odnosu na prethodno razdoblje, no također je istaknut niz izazova za EU i države članice pri jamčenju strateški usklađenog pristupa različitih europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova i drugih politika EU-a.