

Találat 6 a(z) … -ból/-ből 6 eredmények

EU Patent and Brexit

Részletes elemzés 05-11-2019

This In-depth Analysis resumes the possible scenarios concerning several Intellectual Property provisions of EU and international law in the event of a withdrawal of the United Kingdom with or without a proper withdrawal agreement. It tries to clarify the question how Brexit may affect the entry into force of the new European Patent with Unitary effect (EPUE), especially, if the Unified Patent Court Agreement (UPCA) can enter into force, even in case the UK has withdrawn from the EU. What would be ...

Szellemi, ipari és kereskedelmi tulajdon

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-10-2017

A szellemi tulajdonhoz fűződő jog a szellemi alkotásokra vonatkozó kizárólagos jogok összességét jelöli. Két típusa létezik: az ipari tulajdonhoz fűződő jog, amely magában foglalja a találmányokat (szabadalmakat), a védjegyeket, a formatervezési mintákat és az eredetmegjelöléseket; valamint a szerzői jogok, amelyek a műalkotásokra és az irodalmi művekre vonatkoznak. Az Európai Unió működéséről szóló szerződés 2009-es hatálybalépése óta az Unió kifejezett hatáskörrel rendelkezik a szellemitulajdon-jogok ...

This document summarises the presentations and discussions of the workshop on access to medicines, held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 14 July 2016. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the latest trends and the current situation as regards the availability of affordable medicines in Europe, to present a range of EU initiatives, and to raise awareness on prices, accessibility, acceptability, affordability and availability of medicines in the EU. During the first part of ...

The European Patent Office - State of Play

Részletes elemzés 15-04-2015

On invitation of its president, the JURI Committee, on 4-5 May 2015 has visited the European Patent Offices seat in Munich and discussed the state of play of implementation of the new unitary patent, ethical questions of patentability, as well as technical issues deriving from the new challenges after the agreement on a European unitary Patent and in view of ongoing negotiations on international trade partnership agreements. This In–Depth analysis gives some background information on the economic ...

The unitary patent

Rövid áttekintés 06-12-2012

Harmonising patent law in Europe has been a constant goal since the 1960s. However significant challenges, particularly relating to languages and litigation of patent cases, have repeatedly blocked attempts. Now, 25 Member States have signed up to a compromise under enhanced cooperation. Spain and Italy abstained because of objections to the language rules.

The European Parliament has been working towards building a discussion platform and a resource for further policy actions in the field of intellectual property rights. The Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel has set the goal of further enlarging the area of investigation in light of recent policy developments at the European level. In particular, the current study covers current policy issues in the governance of the European patent system, such as the backlog issue, the enhancement of ...