

Találat 10 a(z) … -ból/-ből 13 eredmények

This study, provided by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions, aims to provide a clear and simple overview to the non-expert reader, on the Impact of aircrafts noise pollution on residents of large cities, as well as to give recommendations addressed to the most relevant actors. Noise is one of the most important problems linked to aviation. It can lead to health issues, as well as to negative social and economic effects ...

Technological advances and societal changes have triggered a drastic evolution in mobility. Alongside other trends, such as digitalisation, autonomous driving and shared mobility, electric mobility is also gaining momentum. Electric mobility could help the EU to achieve its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, noise and dependence on oil. However, the extent of this help will depend on a number of factors, such as the share of electric vehicles in the overall vehicle fleet and ...

Levegő- és zajszennyezés

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-11-2017

A levegőszennyezés káros hatással van egészségünkre és környezetünkre. A szennyező anyagok elsődlegesen az iparból, a közlekedésből, az energiatermelésből és a mezőgazdaságból származnak. A levegő minőségére vonatkozó uniós stratégia egyrészt a levegő minőségéről szóló valamennyi meglévő jogszabály 2020-ra történő teljes mértékű megfeleltetésére törekszik, másrészt hosszú távú célkitűzéseket határoz meg 2030-ra. A környezeti zajról szóló keretirányelv segítségével azonosítani lehet a zajszinteket ...

The IA contains a wealth of information, data and research, both internal and external, but some parts of the complex analysis lack clarity and coherence. The extensive quantitative estimations are not always comparable in structure and thus difficult to relate to each other. The potential contribution of the options to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the REFIT exercise remains vague, as well as their impact on SMEs. The IA concludes that higher revenues, better road quality and considerable ...

Updated product rules for recreational boats

Rövid áttekintés 03-10-2013

The EU has some 6 million motor boats, sailing boats and personal watercraft (jet skis) used for sports and leisure, i.e. non-commercial purposes. The European Commission has proposed to update the Directive which sets out the requirements for such craft to be put on the EU market. In particular it would further tighten environmental requirements and enhance measures to ensure compliance.

Air traffic demand is expected to continue growing. However, noise –particularly around airports – may have significant impact on citizens' health. In parallel to proposed measures for increasing airport capacity, the European Commission has tabled a proposal for a Regulation aimed at revising the rules on restricting operations at an EU airport because of noise.

The study reviews the latest evidence on the health effects of environmental noise. It also provides an overview of the current EU regulatory framework on noise (Environmental Noise Directive and legislation on noise sources), assessing its effectiveness and identifying ways for future improvement. Recommendations are put forward for the development of a more comprehensive noise strategy.

The internalisation of external costs in the transport sector is one of the most challenging issues that European transport policy will have to deal with in the coming years. The study provides a concise overview of the most important and most recent studies on external costs, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches, and analysing the current work of the Commission's Directorate for Transport, the IMPACT Handbook on estimation of external costs in the transport sector ...

This report summarises policy options and provides background information relevant to the impact of aviation on the environment and on human health. The report focuses on the impacts judged to be most significant and has been carried out through a combination of literature survey (reviewed literature and available grey literature), interviews with individuals from key European organisations involved in aviation, environment, or aviation medicine, and internet research. The impacts surveyed are ...

This working document provides an indication of the challenges the European Union continues to confront as well as the progressive policy responses the European Parliament has been able to make. The purpose of this publication is to provide all those who work with EU legislation with a concise overview of environment policy up to April 1999.