

Találat 10 a(z) … -ból/-ből 18 eredmények

On 11 March 2024, employment and social affairs ministers from the EU Member States endorsed the agreement reached with the European Parliament in February 2024 on the platform work directive. The directive introduces the presumption of employment – to be applied following national rules – as well as the first EU rules to regulate algorithmic management in the workplace. Platform work is an umbrella concept covering a heterogeneous group of economic activities completed through a digital platform ...

Platform work is on the rise, with hundreds of digital platforms active in the EU and millions of workers earning some income by working for them. A proposed EU directive seeks to set criteria to determine whether platform workers are self-employed or employees, which is key for improving their working conditions and social rights. In addition, it would set the first EU rules on the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace. With their positions agreed, the European Parliament and the Council ...

This Briefing forms part of an EPRS series which offers a synthesis of the pre-legislative state-of-play and advance consultation on a range of key European Commission priorities during the latter’s five-year term in office. It seeks to summarise the state of affairs in the relevant policy field, examine how existing policy is working on the ground, and identify best practice and ideas for the future on the part of governmental organisations at all levels of European system of multilevel governance ...

Monthly Highlights Newsletter - July 2021

Rövid áttekintés 01-07-2021

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

The European Commission has proposed to mobilise €345 000 for technical assistance to the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). The European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets backs this proposal, underlining that the EGF can be used to support permanently dismissed workers and the self-employed in the context of the global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Parliament is expected to vote on this proposal during the June plenary session.

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is having a major negative impact on employment. As part of the EU’s response to the crisis, the European Commission has proposed the creation of SURE, a temporary instrument to complement national efforts to protect employees and the self-employed from the risk of unemployment and loss of income. Under the scheme, the EU would be able to provide financial support worth up to €100 billion to 'short-time work' schemes and other national measures that have this objective ...

Brexit and Migration

Tanulmány 16-10-2018

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee), focuses on the future relationship between the UK and the EU following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in the field of migration (excluding asylum), including future movement of EU citizens and UK nationals between the EU and UK. Moreover, it investigates the role ...

Implementation of the Social Pillar

Rövid áttekintés 05-12-2017

The European Pillar of Social Rights ('Social Pillar') was proclaimed and signed jointly by the Commission, Council and European Parliament, on 17 November 2017 at the Gothenburg Social Summit. The main challenge remains bringing this reference framework to all citizens across the EU. Due to limited EU competence in the social field, implementation is for the Member States, in cooperation with social partners. Parliament has repeatedly promoted the importance of focusing on three elements in the ...

Az oklevelek kölcsönös elismerése

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-11-2017

A letelepedés és a szolgáltatásnyújtás szabadsága az egységes piac sarokkövei, mivel lehetővé teszik a vállalkozások és a szakemberek Unión belüli szabad mozgását. E szabadságjogok érvényesítéséhez szükség van a nemzeti szinten kibocsátott oklevelek és képesítések általános elismerésére. Harmonizációjukkal és kölcsönös elismerésükkel kapcsolatban számos különböző rendelkezést fogadtak már el, és további jogszabályok is várhatók ezen a területen.

Az Európai Unió működéséről szóló szerződés rendelkezései szerint és az Európai Unió Bíróságának ítélkezési gyakorlata értelmében a letelepedés szabadsága és a szolgáltatásnyújtás szabadsága garantálják a vállalkozások és a szakemberek Unión belüli szabad mozgását. E két szabadságjog további érvényesítése tekintetében nagy várakozások övezik a 2006-ban elfogadott szolgáltatási irányelvet, mivel az alapvető fontossággal bír a belső piac kiteljesítése szempontjából.