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Társasági jog

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-06-2017

Nem létezik kodifikált európai társasági jog és a tagállamok továbbra is külön társasági jogokat alkalmaznak, amelyeket az uniós irányelveknek és rendeleteknek való megfelelés érdekében időről időre módosítanak. Egy modern és hatékony társasági jog és vállalatirányítási keret megvalósítására irányuló jelenlegi erőfeszítések javítják az üzleti környezetet az Unióban az uniós vállalkozások, befektetők és alkalmazottak számára.

Social enterprises combine social goals with entrepreneurial activity. They represent a business model focused on having a positive social or environmental impact rather than simply making profit for shareholders. Social enterprises make a valuable contribution to the economy and society, operating mainly in local communities and covering areas such as education, healthcare, social services, work integration and environmental protection. They are also an increasingly popular choice for outsourcing ...

This initial appraisal concludes that the Commission's impact assessment is based on sound knowledge and on relevant data relating to the investment funds industry. However, the evidence regarding specifically the two fund frameworks under review - European venture capital funds and European social entrepreneurship funds - is, by the IA's own admission, limited. The IA and the review attached to it do not cover all the points listed in the review clauses of the two regulations, for instance the geographical ...

The development of information and communications technologies offers the possibility to establish faster connections and on a larger scale than ever before. This opens up the possibility to establish businesses offering new services to companies and/or communities. A new generation of entrepreneurs is on the rise, mastering the opportunities offered by the connected world. However, while ideas flourish easily, they often prove to be harder to implement in practice. This note has been prepared for ...

The study on The Availability and Use of Assistance for Entrepreneurship to Young People, produced at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, provides a typology of EU-level and national initiatives, of the use of these measures and initiatives by young people and any barriers impeding their take-up, and also analyses the outcomes of these measures. This leaflet presents the key findings of the study.

This document, provided by Policy Department A to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides an up-to-date picture of developments as regards the availability and use of support programmes and schemes to promote or facilitate youth entrepreneurship across the EU. It presents a description of existing policy approaches to youth entrepreneurship support and an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses through a selection of policy examples from eleven Member States.

'Make in India' for more 'made in India'

Rövid áttekintés 21-01-2015

Doing business in India today is much more difficult than elsewhere, but the government wants to change this. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the 'Make in India' initiative to attract investors and make India a global manufacturing hub.

The economic and financial crisis has significantly reduced banks' lending to businesses. This gap in financing, coupled with the rise of social media and interactive online platforms, has contributed to the increased popularity of crowdfunding as a possible alternative source of funding. In this context, the European Commission adopted a communication on unleashing the potential of crowdfunding in the EU, as part of efforts to improve the long-term financing of enterprises and encourage innovation ...

The notion of 'consumer' in EU law

Rövid áttekintés 06-05-2013

The notion of 'consumer' is a key concept de­limiting the application of consumer-pro­tection rules. However, not only is there no con­sis­tent and uniform definition in EU law, there are also divergences amongst the Member States.

Female entrepreneurship is important to the European Union for both gender equality and economic growth. Yet, while women are catching up on labour markets, the gender gap in entrepreneurship is still wide.