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La politica di partenariato orientale dell'UE, istituita nel 2009, include sei Stati dell'ex Unione sovietica: Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Georgia, Moldova e Ucraina. Il partenariato è stato istituito per promuovere l'impegno riformista in questi paesi in ambito politico, sociale ed economico, allo scopo di accrescere la democratizzazione e il buon governo, la sicurezza energetica, la protezione dell'ambiente e lo sviluppo economico e sociale. Tranne la Bielorussia, tutti i membri del partenariato ...

On 15-17 March 2024, more than two years into the unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression on Ukraine, and one month after the sudden death in custody of the opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Russia will hold its presidential election. Over 110 million Russian citizens, including more than 6 million living in Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied by Russia, are invited to take part in what is largely seen as a carefully staged legitimisation ritual for Vladimir Putin's reappointment to a ...

Cross-border parental child abductions in the EU are governed by The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and (except for Denmark) the Brussels II-ter Regulation. Countries outside of the EU may or may not be Contracting States to ‘the Convention’, but will not be bound by Brussels II-ter. Research has found that the often negative, long-lasting impact of abduction may continue throughout the lifecycle of those who have been abducted. It may also affect future ...

The sudden death of political activist and Sakharov Prize laureate Alexei Navalny on 16 February 2024, in a maximum-security Russian penal colony where he was serving a draconian jail sentence, has met with widespread international condemnation and a wave of mourning both inside and outside the Russian Federation. Yulia Navalnaya – Navalny's widow – is due to address the European Parliament during the February II plenary session, and MEPs will subsequently debate and vote on a resolution on Navalny's ...

Russia in Africa: An atlas

Briefing 13-02-2024

This series of maps illustrates Russia's expanding diplomatic, economic and military engagement across the African continent. It also provides a visual representation of the deployment of hybrid tools, such as information manipulation campaigns, and the multi faceted presence of the paramilitary company Wagner, both of which are integral parts of Russia's current strategy in Africa. Russia's full scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and the subsequent open confrontation with the West in all ...


Note tematiche sull'UE 16-01-2024

Le relazioni tra l'UE e la Russia si sono deteriorate a partire dal 2014 a causa dell'annessione illegale della Crimea da parte della Russia, del sostegno ai gruppi separatisti nell'Ucraina orientale, delle politiche di destabilizzazione nei paesi del vicinato, delle campagne di disinformazione e di ingerenza e delle violazioni interne dei diritti umani. A seguito dell'invasione russa su vasta scala dell'Ucraina il 24 febbraio 2022, la restante cooperazione politica, culturale e scientifica è stata ...

Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine may not be taking place geographically in the Arctic, but it has already had a plethora of impacts on the circumpolar north, the repercussions of which are likely to spread well beyond the region. First, the war has negatively affected cooperation, as activities with Russia in the framework of regional forums such as the Arctic Council (AC), the Barents Euro-Atlantic Council (BEAC), the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Northern Dimension ...

More than 90 % of people who cross the external borders of the European Union (EU) irregularly do so with the assistance of migrant smugglers. The facilitation of irregular migration is a highly profitable criminal activity, given the relatively low risks incurred by the perpetrators. Detections of irregular border crossings are at their highest levels since 2016, yet demand for migration facilitation services has also risen to a new high. This high demand is not only due to the fact that people ...

La politica di partenariato orientale dell'UE, avviata nel 2009, include sei Stati dell'ex Unione sovietica: Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Georgia, Moldova e Ucraina. Il partenariato è stato istituito per promuovere l'impegno riformista in questi paesi in ambito politico, sociale ed economico allo scopo di rafforzare la democratizzazione e il buon governo, la sicurezza energetica, la tutela dell'ambiente e lo sviluppo economico e sociale. Tutti i paesi partecipanti (tranne la Bielorussia, la ...

This briefing will give a brief overview of the EU-Russia sanctions framework, before discussing existing EU tools for protecting its financial interests, access to beneficial ownership data and EU initiatives to ensure sanctions enforcement. It serves as background information for the CONT Committee workshop of 6 November 2023 on ‘Preventing EU funds from reaching sanctioned individuals or entities’.