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Finland's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) is part of the national sustainable growth programme and its main source of financing. Next Generation EU (NGEU) – the EU's response to the social and economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic – initially envisaged an allocation of €2 090 million in grants to Finland under its Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Following the update of all national allocations in June 2022, Finland's share was reviewed downwards to €1 820 million ...

The third joint EU-NATO declaration

In sintesi 08-02-2023

Following joint declarations by the EU and NATO in 2016 and 2018, a third joint declaration was signed on 10 January 2023. While some laud the declaration as a manifesto for increased cooperation, others perceive its 14 clauses to be mere symbolism. Russia's illegal war against Ukraine, and Finland and Sweden's push to join NATO, have recently highlighted the importance of strong cooperation between the EU and NATO.

This At a glance note sumarises the study on Cohesion Policy in Northernmost Regions of the EU: North Sweden, North & East Finland. Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPAs) have high economic potentials. Proactive public policies are needed to unlock them by overcoming key demographic challenges, making it possible for companies to recruit skilled staff and enhancing the welfare and quality of life of their populations. The study describes measures implemented to this end under EU Cohesion Policy ...

Il presente documento è una sintesi dello studio intitolato "Politica di coesione nelle regioni più settentrionali dell'UE". La versione integrale dello studio è disponibile in lingua inglese all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3QZ4lCk

The EU's binding climate and energy legislation for 2030 requires Member States to adopt national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. In October 2020, the European Commission published an assessment for each NECP. Finland's final NECP is from December 2019. A high proportion of Finns (61 %) expect national governments to tackle climate change. Finland generates 1.5 % of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has reduced emissions at a faster pace than the EU average ...

Over recent years, the European Union has increased efforts to strengthen its resilience to hybrid threats. A model of preparedness based on the notions of ‘whole-of-society’, ‘whole-of-government’ and ‘societal resilience’ has gained ground in the EU’s policy work. Although some progress has been made, many obstacles and challenges remain. The EU needs to address conceptual questions involved with the mapping of hybrid threats to facilitate targeted and effective countermeasures, as well as initiatives ...

Mika Lintilä, Minister of Finance of Finland, is participating in the ECON Committee in his capacity of President of the ECOFIN Council during the Finnish Presidency (July - December 2019). In accordance with the Treaty of the Union, “Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council”. This briefing provides an overview of the Finnish Presidency priorities in ECON matters and the Council’s work relating to the implementation ...

The main highlight of the July II plenary session was the election of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission. Other highlights included a statement by Viorica Dăncilă, Prime Minister of Romania, on the outcome of that country's Council presidency, and by Antti Rinne, Prime Minister of Finland on the priorities for the current Finnish Council Presidency. Parliament also debated statements by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs ...

This study presents a comparative overview of recent policy developments in Denmark, Finland and France. The focus of the analysis is on progress achieved in the last three years in the adaptation of the reception and integration system for the high numbers of new arrivals and on the main challenges encountered. Special attention is given to changes in perceptions, public opinion and political discourse with respect to the asylum and integration of refugees and how this influenced policy strategy ...

Le Isole Åland sono una regione autonoma, demilitarizzata e di lingua svedese della Finlandia. L'arcipelago dispone di un proprio governo e di un proprio parlamento. Le Isole Åland sono una piccola società con un'economia aperta che dipende dal commercio con le regioni vicine, in particolare la Finlandia meridionale e la regione di Stoccolma. Nel 2017 le Isole Åland contavano sei impianti di acquacoltura operativi. Nel medesimo anno, il numero di lavoratori nel settore dell'acquacoltura era di 95 ...