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La Commissione europea ha proposto di innalzare il livello di protezione offerto ai consumatori contro le pratiche commerciali sleali. Il 19 settembre 2023 i colegislatori hanno raggiunto un accordo provvisorio sulla proposta di modifica delle due direttive fondamentali in questo settore. L'accordo è stato approvato dalla commissione per il mercato interno e la protezione dei consumatori (IMCO) e il Parlamento dovrebbe votare il testo concordato durante la tornata di gennaio 2024.

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Il presente studio, commissionato dal dipartimento tematico Diritti dei cittadini e affari costituzionali del Parlamento europeo su richiesta della commissione d'inchiesta incaricata di esaminare l'uso di Pegasus e di spyware di sorveglianza equivalenti (PEGA), illustra il quadro giuridico, compresi i meccanismi di vigilanza e di ricorso, che disciplina l'uso di Pegasus e di spyware equivalenti in una serie di Stati membri.

This study —commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee of Inquiry to Investigate the Use of Pegasus and Equivalent Surveillance Spyware (PEGA)— analyses the impact of use of Pegasus and similar spyware on Article 2 TEU values, on privacy and data protection, and on democratic processes in Member States.

The IA is based on solid expertise, with ample information in 13 annexes, some of which form an integral part of the analysis (namely Annexes 5 and 12 for the problem definition and Annex 8 for the assessment of the options' impacts). The qualitative and quantitative assessment of the options is concise, balanced and logical. The IA is transparent regarding methods, assumptions and uncertainties in the analysis, which it addresses through a sensitivity analysis to ensure a robust evidence base. The ...

After Hungary, Poland and Spain, Greece is the latest Member State accused of spying on journalists and opposition politicians. While the opposition is seeking transparency and is steadily increasing the pressure, the Greek government has acknowledged select surveillance operations but insists on their legality and categorically denies purchasing or using the commercial Predator spyware. This EPRS paper synthesises the fast-paced and highly politicised developments at national level and contextualises ...

The artificial intelligence act envisages setting up coordinated AI 'regulatory sandboxes' to foster innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) across the EU. A regulatory sandbox is a tool allowing businesses to explore and experiment with new and innovative products, services or businesses under a regulator's supervision. It provides innovators with incentives to test their innovations in a controlled environment, allows regulators to better understand the technology, and fosters consumer choice ...

Pegasus and surveillance spyware

Analisi approfondita 06-05-2022

This In-Depth Analysis, drafted by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs for the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware, looks into the confirmed or suspected use of the Pegasus spyware and other similar cyber-surveillance instruments in the EU and its Member States or targeting EU citizens or residents, EU reactions and previous activities on issues related to surveillance.

The second part of the STOA study, 'A framework for technology foresight intelligence', this report deals with horizon stakeholder engagement for the strategic and practical purposes of the STOA Panel's activities. It analyses online engagement methods and tools and their suitability for brainstorming meetings, and for technology assessment and foresight projects. To gain insight and experience in the use of online methods and tools for engagement, these were implemented in one ongoing STOA project ...

This study provides an independent overview of the automotive industrial landscape in the EU. Specifically, the study assesses green and digital trends currently reshaping the automotive sector and provides recommendations considering the adequacy and consistency of ongoing and future EU actions. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).