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This At a glance note summaries the study on Training and social security schemes for fishers. The study presents the current state of play of the mutual recognition of certificates of competency of EU fishers and the functioning of the social security schemes that cover them. Based on the analysis of these topics, the study discusses the impact of the current situation on the mobility of fishers, on the fishing sector’s working risks and security and ultimately on the attractiveness of the fishing ...

Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio "Formazione e regimi di sicurezza sociale per i pescatori — Stato dei lavori e prospettive nell'UE". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/4796Dpn

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Unlike the maritime transport sector, there is no single EU standard for the training and certification of fishers relating to health and safety on board. Member State safety training and certification requirements for fishers are complicated and vary significantly between Member States. This complexity is an obstacle to the free movement of fishers and it makes it harder to comply with statutory training and certification requirements. It may be contributing to illegal labour, and worker exploitation ...

The overall conclusion is that the IA could have deepened the analysis and perhaps discussed more thoroughly the scope of the plan in terms of areas and stocks specific to the Adriatic Sea. For instance, the potential interaction effect between small and large pelagic species and the interaction effect between fisheries and environmental factors could have been given more attention. The underlying drivers of the problems could have been analysed more thoroughly. The objectives of the proposed plan ...

Sebbene il diritto del lavoro dell'UE si applichi generalmente ai lavoratori di tutti i settori, allo stato sono numerose le direttive che consentono agli Stati membri di escludere i lavoratori marittimi da talune disposizioni attinenti alla protezione del lavoratore. Tale situazione, che ha generato in più paesi disparità di trattamento ai danni dei lavoratori marittimi, influisce sulla concorrenza nel settore. La Commissione ha proposto, nel 2013, una direttiva di modifica intesa a migliorare il ...

Commercial inland fisheries are small-scale, labour intensive, traditional fisheries mostly using passive gear. They produce high value products of local importance. Inland fisheries will not be heavily influenced by the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy as they are mainly managed nationally. Diadromous species may benefit from the reforms as long as they are properly implemented. The new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund has greater potential to provide increased support to inland fisheries ...

This note gives an overview of the current situation faced by women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Europe and the prerequisites for improved gender mainstreaming. It presents and discusses the available data on female employment in the sector, the problems faced by women’s fisheries organisations and their future prospects. The note also proposes that the impact of the EFF on the promotion of gender equality should be evaluated, and outlines the expectations vested in the EMFF.

Lo studio analizza la struttura e il rendimento economico della pesca artigianale costiera in Europa. Individua diciotto cluster principali nell’ambito della pesca artigianale costiera e ne illustra la distribuzione per regione NUTS-2. Procede anche a valutare il contributo di questo tipo di pesca in termini di reddito e occupazione alle economie delle regioni NUTS-2. Esamina inoltre alcune potenziali implicazioni a carattere politico dei risultati dello studio alla luce della riforma della politica ...

80% of the EU fishing fleet is today considered as 'small-scale and coastal fisheries’ (SSCF). In the context of the upcoming Common fisheries policy reform, the European Commission launched a debate on the creation of a specific management regime for SSCF, focusing on social objectives.