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Impact investments are an emerging sustainable investment strategy and represent a small and medium enterprise-led approach to development. Impact investments are executed only when a positive financial return can be achieved alongside a measurable positive impact on an individual or societal level. Impact investors thus go beyond more established sustainable investment strategies such as exclusion or integration by explicitly aiming at impact, investing in business models that directly address social ...

Investment funds are products created to pool investors' capital and to invest it in a collective portfolio of securities. The characteristics of a range of different types of investment funds have been established in Union law, and most funds on the market are categorised as one of these types. The market in the EU is smaller than in the United States, despite there being far more funds in the EU. This is why the European Commission put forward two legislative proposals: one for a regulation aligning ...

The European Commission recently issued a legislative proposal to increase cross-border distribution of investment funds. This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the impact assessment accompanying the Commission's proposal. Based on both internal and some external sources, as well as several stakeholder consultations, the impact assessment provides useful information, but lacks coherence and transparency. It acknowledges some limitations, citing lack of data ...

Con il termine "cartolarizzazione" si intende il processo di incorporazione e conversione di crediti in titoli che possono poi essere venduti agli investitori. Nell'ambito del suo impegno per la creazione di un'Unione dei mercati dei capitali, la Commissione ha proposto un regolamento che stabilisce norme comuni sulla cartolarizzazione e offre un quadro per cartolarizzazioni semplici, trasparenti e standardizzate (STS). Il Parlamento dovrà procedere alla votazione sulla proposta nella plenaria di ...

This study was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), as part of Parliament's general commitment to improving the quality of EU legislation, and in particular its undertaking to carry out impact assessments of its own substantive amendments when it considers it appropriate and necessary for the legislative process. The study concludes that the four substantive amendments in question, which are under consideration in the context of the ECON Committee's ...

Aumentare il pool di capitali privati disponibili nell'UE per il finanziamento, principalmente in Europa, sia di attivi materiali (infrastrutture o impianti industriali) sia immateriali (istruzione, ricerca e sviluppo), è fondamentale per promuovere l'innovazione e la competitività. La Commissione propone di creare un nuovo tipo di veicolo di investimento che investirebbe in classi di attivi, come le società non quotate e i progetti di infrastrutture. Tali "fondi europei di investimento a lungo termine ...

Inadequate consumer protection, especially in the U.S. mortgage market, not only led to considerable consumer detriment but was a major contributor to the global financial crisis. In the EU, mis-selling of financial products has also resulted in significant consumer harm. Considering the significant potential detriment that financial services can cause to individual consumers and to the Single Market, consumer protection policy needs to properly focus on this area. Improved transparency and better ...