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On 17 May 2018, the Commission adopted the proposal for a directive amending Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management. The revision was presented together with another legislative proposal on vehicle and pedestrian safety, and with non-legislative initiatives to promote safe mobility. The general objective of the proposal, which seeks to address the shortcomings of the existing legislation, is to reduce both road fatalities and serious injuries by improving the safety performance ...

In order to improve the EU road safety and substantially reduce road deaths, several measures were taken at the EU level. A general policy document was adopted in 2010, when the European Commission published the Road Safety Programme 2011-2020. The current revision of the road safety management procedures was triggered by the fact that the progress in the reduction of road fatalities stalled and that the existing road security measures needed to be adapted to changes in mobility resulting from societal ...

Trasporti su strada: norme sul traffico e di sicurezza

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-11-2017

L'UE si è data l'obiettivo di creare uno spazio europeo di sicurezza stradale nel decennio 2010-2020. La competenza in materia è soprattutto nazionale. L'Unione concentra perciò le proprie misure europee sullo stato tecnico dei veicoli, il trasporto delle merci pericolose e la sicurezza della rete viaria.

Trasporti su strada: armonizzazione della legislazione

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-03-2017

La creazione di un mercato unico dei trasporti su strada a livello europeo non è possibile senza un'armonizzazione delle legislazioni in vigore negli Stati membri. Le misure adottate dall'Unione europea sono essenzialmente di natura fiscale, tecnica, amministrativa e sociale.

Automated vehicles in the EU

Briefing 07-01-2016

Automated vehicle technologies allow the transfer of driving functions from a human driver to a computer. Automation, and in particular digitalisation, of driving will change road transport in a way which is viewed as a revolution in the field of mobility. As human error is the main reason for road traffic accidents, driving which is automatically controlled by a computer is expected to make future road transport safer and more secure. It has also the potential to be more environmentally friendly ...

Il presente studio offre un'analisi delle attuali prove relative ai veicoli più lunghi e più pesanti (Longer and Heavier Vehicles - LHV) e delle potenziali ripercussioni del permesso di utilizzare tali "megacamion" in tutta l'Unione europea, come in Finlandia e Svezia, che già consentono a tali veicoli di circolare nel normale traffico. Esso si fonda su un'analisi della letteratura di autorevoli ricerche nel settore in oggetto, come pure su studi dei casi che indagano le esperienze dei veicoli più ...

Sound level of motor vehicles

In sintesi 31-01-2013

Traffic noise has impacts on citizens' health and well-being. The European Commission therefore proposed a Regulation which aims to reduce the noise emissions of motor vehicles by about 25%. The EP's ENVI Environment Committee voted to amendments to the proposed noise limits, and calls for mandatory noise labelling of vehicles as well as a systematic assessment of road surfaces.

The current acts in place – the Brussels I Regulation, the Lugano Convention and the parallel convention with Denmark – give the claimant several opportunities for forum shopping when lodging a direct claim against foreign liability insurance. Since the lex fori determines whether the Rome II Regulation or the Hague Convention is applicable in Common Market cases, the aforementioned possibility of forum shopping ultimately leads to law shopping. Between the claimant and the injuring party, the principle ...

I sorpassi fra veicoli commerciali pesanti possono provocare rallentamenti sulle strade di grande comunicazione a due corsie. La presente nota illustra nel dettaglio le ricerche effettuate e i divieti introdotti nei paesi europei per proibire le manovre di sorpasso degli automezzi pesanti. L’analisi costi-benefici giunge alla conclusione che introducendo tali divieti nelle sedi ottimali si potrebbero ottenere benefici annui fino a un massimo di 1 500 milioni di euro.

This report describes the collation and analysis of a wide range of disparate European data on the safety of light goods vehicles (LGVs – goods vehicles with a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes). It includes data on regulations, new registrations, stock, traffic, freight performance, business sectors, accidents and casualties. It identifies the trends in both the LGV market and safety performance and identifies areas that could be a priority for safety interventions.