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Durante la tornata di giugno, il Parlamento terrà una discussione sulla relazione della commissione per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale (AGRI) su "Garantire la sicurezza alimentare e la resilienza a lungo termine dell'agricoltura dell'UE". Il Parlamento voterà anche sulle raccomandazioni politiche relative alla sicurezza alimentare a livello mondiale e dell'UE e al rafforzamento della resilienza dell'agricoltura dell'UE.

EU farmers are among the few key workers who have not seen a dramatic change in their daily routines since the coronavirus crisis began. They are still farming to supply EU citizens with food. Some public health protection measures have however affected farming activities and sales badly. While the EU has taken a number of measures to mitigate this impact, the possibility of further measures is high on the agricultural policy agenda.

The EU's beekeeping sector

In sintesi 24-10-2017

Every year, the EU's 600 000 beekeepers and their 16 million beehives produce 200 000 tonnes of honey. This is not however sufficient to cover demand on the EU market, and the shortfall is made up by imports, above all from China. Threats to bee health and market competition make the economic viability of apiculture a critical matter. EU policies aim therefore to address these issues and promote beekeeping, an activity that is of vital importance to the environment.

The European Commission's work programme for 2017 includes a commitment to progress and consult widely on the simplification and modernisation of the common agricultural policy (CAP). A public consultation exercise was launched at the beginning of February 2017 and closed on 2 May 2017. A number of stakeholder organisations and think tanks have issued their reflections on the future shape of EU agricultural policy post 2020. In the last reform of the CAP, the European Parliament had a key role to ...

In considerazione della difficile situazione economica e del processo di riforma in corso in Ucraina, la Commissione europea propone di migliorare l’accesso del paese al mercato dell’UE, per quanto riguarda determinati prodotti industriali e agricoli. La votazione in seduta plenaria del Parlamento europeo (PE) è prevista per il mese di maggio.

The Monthly Highlights newsletter features publications on EU cattle sector, Brexit, Russia, drug policy, EU agencies and structural and investment funds.

The EU's 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework provides medium-term expenditure predictability in support of investment in Europe's priorities. The Commission presented its mid-term review/revision of the multiannual EU budget (2014-2020) on 14 September 2016 in Strasbourg. Without increasing spending limits, the package as presented is intended to free up an additional €6.3 billion in financing by 2020. These resources will be used mainly to foster job creation, investment and economic growth ...

Il presente documento è stato preparato per il seminario sul tema "Riflessioni sulle sfide agricole post 2020 nell'UE: preparare la prossima riforma della PAC" dell'8 novembre 2016, organizzato dalla commissione per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale (COMAGRI) del Parlamento europeo e dal suo dipartimento tematico (ricerca AGRI). Contiene tre studi: 1. Il futuro dei pagamenti diretti (di Alan Matthews). 2. Il futuro delle misure di mercato e dei sistemi di gestione dei rischi (di Louis-Pascal ...

In light of the challenges currently facing the agriculture sector in the EU, an effective promotion policy becomes an important instrument in helping European agriculture to compete on world markets. Given the contribution the agri-food sector makes to total EU exports, it is essential for it to improve its competitiveness and market share. To support this objective, a new promotion policy for EU agricultural products has been developed, applicable since 1 December 2015. Based on a new Regulation ...

La crisi del latte nella UE si protrae dal 2015. Alla luce della situazione del settore lattiero-caseario e riconoscendo che le prospettive per i prezzi del latte non sono incoraggianti, il Parlamento ha invitato la Commissione e il Consiglio a fornire un aggiornamento in Plenaria sulle misure per far fronte alla situazione.