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This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public transport sector, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.

Il presente documento è una sintesi del briefing tematico dal titolo "Rilanciare i settori dei trasporti e del turismo nell'UE in seguito alla pandemia di COVID-19 – Parte V: il trasporto merci". La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/33NsmYU.

Il briefing tematico in esame fa parte di una serie di briefing incentrati sulle sfide che i settori dei trasporti e del turismo si trovano ad affrontare a causa della pandemia e, in particolare, verte sul tema dei lavoratori del settore dei trasporti, che sono stati particolarmente colpiti dalle ripercussioni della crisi della COVID-19.

Recent trends and developments indicate a growing user-centric approach to mobility, prioritising individual needs and users’ interests. Disruptive emerging technologies and shared mobility solutions bring new stakeholders to the urban ecosystem. COVID-19 has changed behaviours, with walking, cycling and private car use increasing. E-commerce demand has increased significantly, and contactless solutions are still preferred.

Il presente documento rappresenta la sintesi dello studio sul trasporto urbano intelligente e sostenibile. Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/2DNTKti

In 2050, approximately 84 % of Europeans will be living in an urban area. A common challenge for all urban areas is to enhance mobility and reduce congestion, accidents and air pollution. The search for appropriate solutions to urban transport challenges has been part of EU policy in various fields for a long time. This paper provides an overview of the EU initiatives and funding opportunities to support sustainable urban mobility in Europe.

The briefing provides an overview on the state of play and trends of urban transport since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines four scenarios, the prevalence of one or the other depending on the priorities established by policy makers and service providers. The briefing delivers general recommendations for a post-COVID-19 smart and sustainable urban transport and a set of desirable actions on how to integrate EU response into existing policy priorities.

The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the progress and potential of modal shift from road to more sustainable transport modes, with respect to the policy objectives set in the 2011 White Paper on transport. The study focuses both on passenger and freight transport, highlighting main barriers and factors that are hampering a more effective modal shift at EU level, and providing policy recommendations for the way forward.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, aims at gaining deeper insights into air quality problems of cities and regions, which are often caused by traffic. Five cities and regions are analysed in more detail. General best practice examples and policy options are provided for transport, but also for domestic heating, construction work and integrated approaches.

Politica comune dei trasporti: principi generali

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-06-2017

La politica dei trasporti rappresenta uno dei settori politici comuni da più di 30 anni. È stata avviata con la sentenza della Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea (CGUE) del 22 maggio 1985 sul ricorso per carenza presentato dal Parlamento europeo nei confronti del Consiglio. Parallelamente all'apertura alla concorrenza dei mercati dei trasporti e alla creazione delle reti transeuropee, il tema della «mobilità sostenibile» assumerà maggiore importanza entro il 2020, in particolare nel contesto ...