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Nel luglio 2021 la Commissione europea ha presentato il suo pacchetto di proposte legislative "Pronti per il 55 %" volte a garantire che l'UE consegua gli obiettivi fissati nel Green Deal europeo, nella normativa sul clima e nell'accordo di Parigi. Il pacchetto comprendeva la proposta FuelEU Maritime, che mirava a stimolare la domanda di combustibili puliti e a contribuire a ridurre le emissioni di carbonio nel settore marittimo. L'accordo provvisorio risultante da negoziati interistituzionali dovrebbe ...

Council Directive 92/106/EEC lays down rules applicable to combined transport of goods. Various resources show that there are currently several challenges linked with the implementation of the directive. These include, for instance, a broad and ambiguous definition of combined transport, outdated provisions of the directive, the need to align these provisions with the new economic reality and a need for a unified combined transport document. These challenges influence harmonisation of combined freight ...

Inland waterways in the EU

Briefing 28-01-2014

The EU has one of the longest networks of inland waterways in the world, which play a siginificant role in the transport of freight between major seaports and hinterland areas. The sector nonetheless faces many specific structural difficulties (infrastructure insufficiently interconnected and integrated with other transport modes, overcapacity, skills shortages, etc.) which prevent it from tapping its full potential, i.e. increasing its modal share. Further EU-level initiatives to boost this transport ...