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Lo spazio Schengen, in seno al quale non vengono effettuati controlli sistematici alle frontiere interne, è com-posto da 22 Stati membri dell'UE e quattro paesi terzi associati. Se altri quattro Stati membri (Bulgaria, Croazia, Cipro e Romania) sono vincolati dal corpus normativo di Schengen (acquis), i controlli alle loro frontiere interne non sono ancora stati aboliti. A seguito di una valutazione Schengen positiva della Croazia, il Consiglio ha preparato un progetto di decisione sulla piena applicazione ...

In recent years the EU concluded Association Agreements, including the creation of a Comprehensive Free Trade Areas with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. These are amongst the most complex and comprehensive legal treaties concluded by the EU with third countries. The treaties place a profound obligation on the partner countries of legal approximation, that is, to undertake extensive, binding commitments to adopt vast swathes of the acquis in order to stimulate political and economic development and ...

Political developments in the Visegrád Group countries have raised concern over the commitment of some of their leaders and senior politicians to European Union values, notably the rule of law. The Visegrád Group is an informal alliance of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, all of which joined the EU in 2004. Criticism by EU officials and some other Union governments centres on Hungary and Poland, where governments have implemented a number of controversial reforms, notably of the ...

This study presents a comparative overview of recent policy developments in Greece, Hungary and Italy, which present some similarities as regards their position in the migration routes, but also very different approaches. The focus of the analysis is on progress achieved in the last three years in the adaptation of the reception and integration system for the high numbers of new arrivals and on the main challenges encountered, with a focus on labour market integration measures. Further, special ...

Allargamento dell'Unione

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-09-2017

Il 1o luglio 2013 la Croazia è diventata il 28° Stato membro dell'Unione europea. L'adesione della Croazia, successiva a quella della Romania e della Bulgaria del 1o gennaio 2007, costituisce il sesto allargamento dell'Unione. Sono in corso i negoziati con il Montenegro, la Serbia e la Turchia. Anche l'Albania e l'ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia sono paesi candidati, mentre la Bosnia-Erzegovina e il Kosovo rappresentano potenziali candidati.

The workshop organised for the IMCO Committee by the Policy Department A in cooperation with the European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance (EURO-CEFG) of the Universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam aimed at discussing the consequences of Brexit on the EU in general and on the policy fields covered by the IMCO Committee in particular. It allowed for a first exchange of opinion on the consequences of Brexit and for questions by EU decision-makers in preparation of the upcoming ...

• The consequences of Brexit depend on the model which will be adopted for the future relationship between the EU and the UK. These models should be compared with a respect to a number of different parameters, which are not confined to substantive trade rules but include also questions of legal effect and dispute settlement. • There are very substantial differences between, on the one hand, the EU Membership and EEA models; and on the other the WTO/FTA models. Those differences are focused on the ...

TThis paper outlines the consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union in the area of consumer protection. It examines the withdrawal’s impact on consumer protection under different scenarios: a futire EEA membership of the UK (a); a relationship governed only by WTO rules; (c) a relationship governed by a “tailor-made agreement”. It comes to the conclusion that from the perspective of consumers in the EU28, an EEA membership of the UK is the most favourable scenario. Irrespective ...

FYR Macedonia: 2016 report

In sintesi 30-03-2017

In April 2017, the European Parliament is due to debate a resolution on the European Commission's 2016 enlargement report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The report acknowledges that during a politically turbulent 2016, the country failed to progress in key EU-related reform areas and even backtracked in some. Following the December 2016 elections, political uncertainty remains and the EU is urging prompt formation of a new government, a process currently blocked.

Although a recurring term in discussions related to working mobility, wages and the social security of workers, social dumping has neither a generally accepted definition, nor easily definable limits. It is rather a set of practices on an international, national or inter-corporate level, aimed at gaining an advantage over competitors, which could have important negative consequences on economic processes and workers’ social security. Examples include actions taken by actors from 'low wage' Member ...