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Directive (2013/11/EU) on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes (the 'ADR Directive') provides an out-of-court solution for consumers to resolve disputes on goods and services purchased from traders established in the single market. Together with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (the 'ODR Regulation'), the ADR Directive forms a horizontal EU-level framework for alternative dispute resolution. The significant increase of online sales, in ...

This study was commissioned by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament to analyse SLAPP cases and threats which were initiated in 2022 and 2023. The study provides a detailed analysis of the topics of public interest associated with the identified legal actions or legal threats, the cross-border implications of the public interest matter under dispute and, to the extent possible, information about victims, the cause of action, and litigation tactics ...

The e-CODEX system is the technological backbone of the digitalisation of EU judicial cooperation in both civil and criminal matters. It comprises a package of software products that allow for secure digital communication between courts, and between citizens and the courts, in particular enabling the secure exchange of judicial documents. The project, launched in 2010 with EU funding, has until now been managed by a consortium of Member States and other organisations, and coordinated by the Ministry ...

Durante la tornata di novembre I il Parlamento voterà una risoluzione volta a rafforzare la democrazia, la libertà dei media e il pluralismo nell'Unione europea. La risoluzione chiede un'azione immediata, sia legislativa che non legislativa, per affrontare la questione delle azioni legali strategiche tese a bloccare la partecipazione pubblica (SLAPP).

This briefing anlyses the strenghts and weaknesses of the Commission impact assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal to to formally establish the e-CODEX system at EU level and entrust its operational management to the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (EU-LISA). The IA contains a number of important shortcomings that significantly reduce its overall quality.

On 31 May 2018, the Commission proposed a proposal for a new regulation on taking of evidence in civil proceedings. It takes stock of the existing regulation (from 2001), but provides for a number of changes to remove legal uncertainty and to promote electronic communications. Parliament adopted its legislative resolution on the proposal on 13 February 2019. The main points of Parliament's position include modifying the definition of the term 'court', to mean any authority in a Member State that ...

Ten years since its adoption, the EU Mediation Directive remains very far from reaching its stated goals. This briefing summarises the main achievements and failures in the implementation at national level. In addition, it assesses the conclusions of previous research and of the European Parliament's resolution on the implmentation of the Mediation Directive.

La commissione giuridica chiede al Parlamento di invitare la Commissione a presentare una proposta di direttiva per stabilire regole comuni in materia di termini di prescrizione per le azioni civili scaturite da incidenti della circolazione stradale transfrontaliera. La relazione sottolinea le differenze tra le normative degli Stati membri e le difficoltà di ordine giuridico incontrate dalle vittime di incidenti transfrontalieri.

Since 2015, the European Commission has worked on the establishment of a Multilateral Investment Court (MIC). The purpose of this court is to have a permanent international body that can settle investment disputes between investors and states. The MIC would replace the current system of investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) based on ad hoc commercial arbitration, which has become controversial over the past few years.

Cooperazione giudiziaria in materia civile

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-04-2017

La libera circolazione transfrontaliera delle merci, dei servizi, dei capitali e delle persone è in costante aumento. L'Unione europea sta sviluppando la cooperazione giudiziaria nelle materie civili con implicazioni transfrontaliere, costruendo ponti tra i diversi ordinamenti giuridici. Gli obiettivi principali di tale cooperazione sono la certezza del diritto e un accesso agevole ed effettivo alla giustizia, il che implica una facile individuazione della giurisdizione competente, un'indicazione ...