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Politica in materia di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-09-2017

La politica europea in materia di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico (RST) ha occupato una posizione importante nella normativa dell'UE fin dai primi trattati comunitari e nei primi anni '80 è stata ampliata attraverso la creazione di un programma quadro europeo di ricerca. A partire dal 2014 i finanziamenti dell'UE a favore della ricerca sono stati in gran parte raggruppati nel quadro di Orizzonte 2020, l'ottavo programma quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell'UE per il periodo 2014-2020 che mira a garantire ...

Nel corso della sessione plenaria di giugno 2017 è prevista la votazione del Parlamento europeo sulla decisione di consentire la partecipazione finanziaria dell'Unione europea al partenariato per la ricerca e l'innovazione nell'area mediterranea (PRIMA). Il partenariato pubblico-pubblico si prefigge l'obiettivo di sostenere progetti di ricerca collaborativa e di innovazione nel settore agroalimentare e nella gestione delle risorse idriche tra le istituzioni dell'UE e i paesi terzi costieri del Mediterraneo ...

Joint Technology Initiatives

In sintesi 17-05-2017

Joint technology initiatives (JTIs) were set up as European institutional public-private partnerships to carry out the strategic research agenda of some established European technology platforms. Five JTIs were established under the 7th framework programme for research. Evaluation of these JTIs led to development of their legal framework to simplify their rules and procedures. Six JTIs are currently operational, receiving a €6.7 billion contribution from Horizon 2020.

European Innovation Partnerships

In sintesi 17-05-2017

The European innovation partnerships (EIP) were launched in the context of the innovation union flagship initiative in October 2010. They were set up with the aim to promote the implementation of a new innovation ecosystem in Europe. The EIPs were meant to act across policies, sectors and borders to tackle societal challenges and enhance Europe's competitiveness. A 2014 evaluation concluded that this objective would not be reached given the framework used for their implementation. With no evolution ...

European Technology Platforms

In sintesi 17-05-2017

European Technology Platforms (ETP) were the first type of public-private partnership established in the research field at European level. These industry-led stakeholders' fora define and implement a strategic research agenda (SRA) aiming at aligning research priorities in a technological area. Without dedicated funding, ETPs remain coordination and advisory structures, helping to define the topics of research programmes at European, national and regional level.

The first three contractual public-private partnerships in research were established as a tool to address the 2008 financial crisis. Their main feature is prior consultation of industry in defining the topics of the calls in the framework programme for research. This allows better alignment of the topics with industry needs, especially regarding demonstration projects, increasing the participation of private actors in the programme. The scheme, easier to establish than institutional public-private ...

The ERANET scheme

In sintesi 21-10-2016

The ERANET scheme, developed in 2002, was the first instrument to support joint programming of national research activities. The scheme created networks of programme owners and programme managers from national or regional research funding institutions, to foster mutual knowledge and exchange of good practices. However, the instrument revealed existing national administrative and legal barriers that prevent the implementation of transnational joint programmes, and thus had a limited impact on the ...

European Research Area

Studio 18-05-2016

This Cost of Non-Europe study examines the state of implementation of the current policy framework for the establishment of a European Research Area (ERA). The study combines a backward-looking (ex-post) and a forward-looking (ex-ante) evaluation. While the ex-post evaluation looks at the implementation of the ERA policy framework, the ex-ante assessment focuses on potential costs and benefits of possible further policy action. In doing so, it identifies shortcomings in the ERA policy framework and ...

Research in the European Treaties

Briefing 16-03-2016

Whilst Community research activities were a key component of the Treaties establishing the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 and the European Atomic Energy Community in 1957, there were no provisions related to research policy in the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1958. In 1972, the European Commission proposed to define and implement a Community research policy; however, there was no legal basis for it in the EEC Treaty. That is why in the 1970s and early 1980s ...

The 'European Research Area' (ERA) is the policy concept at the heart of the common European policy for research. The framing and adoption of ERA in 2000 was the result of a lengthy process started in 1972. Proposed by the European Commission, the concept has been reshaped by the Council of the European Union in 2008 and influenced by the involvement of stakeholders since 2012. The commitment of the Member States is now at the heart of the process of developing ERA. More than 40 years after ...