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When the Nazis grabbed power in Germany, they had clear ideas about what art is. The persecution of Jews allowed them to seize Jewish property, forbid Jews from running art galleries, push them out of their countries to exile, and send them to camps and death. All this enabled some prominent Nazis to start their own art collections. However, most of the looted valuable classical artworks were destined for existing or planned museums. Nazis and their collaborators looted art collections and moved ...

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and mass murder of Jews, whom the Nazi regime and its collaborators sought to annihilate along with other persecuted groups, such as Roma and Sinti. The expropriation, state-sponsored discrimination and persecution of the Jews by the Nazi regime began in 1933, followed by pogroms and their mass incarceration in concentration camps. Ultimately, this policy was extended to all Nazi-controlled European territories and countries during World ...

Alcide De Gasperi nacque alla fine del 19° secolo e crebbe in una regione dell'Impero austroungarico popolata per la maggior parte da italiani. Fin da giovane, De Gasperi si dedicò alla politica e al giornalismo. Fu uno strenuo oppositore del fascismo e subì una dura persecuzione politica da parte del regime di Mussolini. Dopo essere stato imprigionato, trovò rifugio in Vaticano dove lavorò per 14 anni. Dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale, partecipò attivamente alla costruzione della Repubblica italiana ...

International Roma Day

In sintesi 28-03-2017

Since 1990, 8 April has been marked every year as International Roma Day, providing an opportunity both to discuss the situation of Roma, and to celebrate Romani culture.