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Il 5 aprile 2022, la Commissione europea ha presentato una proposta di regolamento sui gas fluorurati a effetto serra (gas fluorurati) per abrogare l'attuale regolamento sui gas fluorurati. La proposta, che mira a ridurre ulteriormente le emissioni di gas fluorurati, modificherebbe l'attuale sistema di quote, riducendo gradualmente la fornitura di idrofluorocarburi (HFC) sul mercato dell'UE al 2,4% dei livelli del 2015 entro il 2048. Essa vieterebbe inoltre i gas fluorurati in applicazioni specifiche ...

An effective climate labelling scheme requires a methodology, a database, and a label format that allows consistent comparison both within and across product categories. To this end, we analyse the EU product environmental footprint (PEF) methodology, the state of databases on climate footprints, the current knowledge on effective label design, and relevant EU regulation. Based on this analysis, we conclude that further preparation is required before a voluntary, horizontal climate labelling scheme ...

Nel novembre 2021 la Commissione europea ha presentato una proposta volta a contrastare la deforestazione e il degrado forestale legati a materie prime e prodotti specifici immessi sul mercato dell'UE o esportati da tale mercato. L'accordo provvisorio raggiunto dai colegislatori in sede di trilogo sarà votato in Aula durante la tornata di aprile 2023.

Adopted in 1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has gathered the nations of the world with the common goal to limit dangerous global warming. In December 2021, after having been postponed for a year due to the coronavirus crisis, world leaders will meet in Glasgow for the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP26) to continue negotiations on the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The latest assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ...

Efforts to curb carbon emissions are falling short ‒ and geoengineering is again in the spotlight. Will governments end up tinkering with Earth’s thermostat?

As a party to the Paris Agreement, the European Union has committed to implementing climate mitigation policies to keep the average temperature rise to well below 2°C, while pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Meeting the more ambitious goal of 1.5°C requires bringing the level of global net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by around 2050, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Following this scientific consensus, the European Commission presented in 2019 the European ...

The United Nations’ Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, will convene a special summit on climate change on 23 September, during the annual session of the UN General Assembly in New York. The meeting, entitled ‘Climate Action Summit 2019: A race we can win, a race we must win’, is meant to encourage world leaders to do more to limit emissions of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Guterres has said the meeting will seek to challenge states, regions, cities, companies, investors and citizens ...

At the COP21 UN climate change conference in Paris in December 2015, a global agreement was reached which contains goals and mechanisms for responding to climate change and binding obligations for all Parties. The Paris Agreement sets a long-term goal of limiting the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels, and of pursuing efforts to limit this temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C. It also includes the goal to increase the ability to adapt ...

Four proposals to regulate hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under the Montreal Protocol, including one from the European Union, are expected to dominate discussions at the 27th Meeting of the Parties (MOP 27) for this international agreement. HFCs are replacements for ozone-depleting substances and have a strong impact on global warming; the issue raises questions about links between the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols. Ahead of MOP 27, Parties to the Montreal Protocol remain divided on the way forward and ...

Tackling climate change caused by greenhouse gas emission is high on the European Union's agenda as negotiations on a global climate deal enter their final phase ahead of the December international conference COP21 in Paris. The EU's policy on climate change is among the most ambitious in the world. It aims to limit global warming to 2º C above pre-industrial average temperature levels. To achieve this, the EU is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% below 1990 levels by ...