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Teachers play an essential role in providing high-quality education and making education a rewarding experience for all learners. This makes teachers key to achieving a true European education area (EEA) that offers improved access to quality education and lifelong learning for all. However, the current shortage of teachers is a widespread issue across the European Union (EU). Not only is the teaching workforce ageing but the profession has become less attractive owing to factors such as challenging ...

The European Commission plans to adopt a communication on a European degree in the first quarter of 2024. A future joint European degree could provide a framework to facilitate the development of joint programmes and the delivery of joint degrees offered by multiple higher education institutions across Europe. As a first step, a joint European degree label based on co-created European criteria is being piloted through Erasmus+ projects. Any further steps towards the development of a possible joint ...

Academic freedom is widely acknowledged both as a fundamental value of present-day higher education and science, and as a prerequisite for well-functioning democratic societies. Yet in recent years, major concerns about the state of academic freedom in the European Union have been raised by various stakeholders. The European Parliament launched an annual EP Academic Freedom Monitor in 2022, aimed at helping to strengthen the protection of academic freedom in the European Union. This report presents ...

Il reciproco riconoscimento dei diplomi

Note tematiche sull'UE 16-01-2024

La libertà di stabilimento e la libera prestazione dei servizi sono elementi fondanti del mercato unico, rendendo possibile la mobilità delle imprese e dei professionisti in tutta l'UE. Affinché queste libertà possano essere esercitate, i diplomi e le qualifiche rilasciati a livello nazionale devono essere ampiamente riconosciuti. In vista dell'armonizzazione e del reciproco riconoscimento, sono state adottate varie misure, mentre una nuova legislazione è in fase di elaborazione.

On 15 November 2023, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Council recommendation on a renewed learning mobility framework. The proposed recommendation, which is a key component of the European education area (EEA), aims to increase opportunities for learning mobility for everyone and invites the Member States to make learning mobility an integral part of all education and learning pathways. It also strives to make Europe as a learning destination even more attractive worldwide. To enhance mobility ...

Citizenship education has become an education policy priority at EU level. The goal is to enable young people to develop self-awareness as members of a social group, and then possibly play a role and become active citizens at local, national or EU level. Similarly, the EU Member States have been placing a stronger focus on the teaching of values such as democracy and tolerance in their national educational policies, although this is not yet translating into practice in a systematic way. School curricula ...

This At a glance note summarises the study providing an analysis of Strand 3, “Citizens’ engagement and participation”, of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme. It analyses the early implementation of this programme Strand and provides a description of the barriers identified. The main finding is that the implementation has been successful overall, although several challenges should be addressed. The study concludes with a set of recommendations.

Il presente studio esamina la questione delle domande transfrontaliere per la restituzione di opere d'arte saccheggiate, prendendo in considerazione le opere d'arte saccheggiate dai nazisti e le appropriazioni coloniali, ma anche le perdite culturali più recenti dovute a traffici illeciti. Sebbene tali categorie si differenzino notevolmente, esistono dei punti in comune. Lo studio evidenzia le lacune del quadro giuridico e politico e formula raccomandazioni sui modi per colmarle. Il presente studio ...

This At a glance note summarises the study analysing the European Solidarity Corps programme 2021-2027. It covers the early implementation of the programme and provides a description of barriers identified. The main finding is that the implementation of ESC programme has been deemed fairly successful overall, although a number of challenges need to be addressed. The study concludes with a set of recommendations.

This At a glance note summarises the study providing an overview of the implementation to date of the 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme. It analyses the early programme implementation and provides a description of barriers identified. The main finding is that the programme implementation is progressing well overall, although improvements can be made to the ‘Youth’ part of the funding programme. Administrative shortcomings could also be addressed. The study concludes with a set of recommendations.