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Several Member States and regions are facing population decline, caused by factors such as low fertility rates and net emigration. The emigration of skilled workers, referred to as 'brain drain', undermines the growth potential of the areas concerned. An ageing society also plays a part in depopulation. Depopulated regions are often low-income rural or post-industrial areas, with fewer job opportunities. In the context of its oversight over other EU institutions, the European Parliament has recently ...

China's meteoric economic and military rise, authoritarian political system and non-market economic model, and growing US-China strategic competition, have had a significant impact on how bilateral research ties are perceived in the US, and on how the US Congress and the Trump and Biden administrations have shaped the US research ecosystem in response to China's 'Thousand Talents' programme.

The second part of the STOA study, 'A framework for technology foresight intelligence', this report deals with horizon stakeholder engagement for the strategic and practical purposes of the STOA Panel's activities. It analyses online engagement methods and tools and their suitability for brainstorming meetings, and for technology assessment and foresight projects. To gain insight and experience in the use of online methods and tools for engagement, these were implemented in one ongoing STOA project ...

Attracting highly qualified immigrants to Europe has been one of the EU's key priorities for several years. However, up until now the EU has not been as successful as other OECD countries. This demand for workers is expected to increase due to the increasing shortage of certain skills and the aging of the EU's population. The proposed directive, which would replace the 2009 Blue Card Directive, increases the attractiveness of the EU highly skilled migration scheme by expanding its scope, lowering ...

This Briefing forms part of an EPRS series offering syntheses of the pre-legislative state of play and consultation on key European Commission priorities during the current five-year term. It summarises the state of affairs in the relevant policy field, examines how existing policy is working on the ground, and, where possible, identifies best practice and ideas for the future on the part of governmental organisations at all levels of the EU system of multilevel governance. An EPRS analysis of the ...

In Estonia, during the recovery from recession, the employment rate increased almost 10 percentage points (p.p.) to the level of almost 77% and the unemployment rate decreased by 10 p.p. to the level on 7%. Active labour market policies played an important role here as Estonia succeeded in adjusting active labour market services to meet the needs of the labour market. As a result, Estonia’s employment rate is one of the highest in the EU and their unemployment rate one of the lowest.

The New EU Blue Card Directive

Briefing 29-09-2016

The Impact Assessment makes a convincing case for the need for action to overhaul the current Blue Card Directive. The IA is substantiated by sound and comprehensive research (in the form of 16 annexes) and external expertise, as well as wide consultation taking international immigration systems aiming to attract highly skilled workers into account. Although not all of the options presented appear viable, the European Commission makes a genuine attempt to identify solutions to the problem. The limited ...

This report, provided by Policy Department A to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, gives an overview of labour shortages, looking at their types and causes, their occurrence within the EU-28 and possible measures to counter them. It finds that there are no overall quantitative shortages at EU-28 level in the wake of the economic crisis, but qualitative shortages, especially relating to skills shortages and mismatch, occur in several regions, sectors, occupations and Member States. Employers ...

This study, provided by the Policy Department A at the request of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE), aims to assess whether and to which extent European energy markets and manufacturing industries would be affected by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Although the negotiations are currenly on-going, the analysis shows that the TTIP will improve the EU’s security of energy supply through adding liquidity and competition to the natural gas market. The TTIP ...

The study shows that while Europe has a strong science and research base the European research sector does not currently represent an attractive enough proposition for top researchers. To effectively address this problem, policies must be developed that specifically focus on the quality of the research environment while also creating the conditions that can best promote and reward scientific excellence. Opportunities exist at the EU level to positively address these issues, primarily in the context ...