
Meklēšanas rezultāti

Tiek rādīts Nr. 5 no 5 rezultāti

With the publication of the "Global Trendometer" the EPRS Global Trends Unit seeks to contribute to the process of identifying and addressing medium- and long-term trends, and their possible implications for policy-making in the European Union. In this latest edition, three essays and seven two-page vignettes on different geopolitical, economic, technological and social issues paint a broad-ranging picture of some developments that may shape Europe’s future.

Atbalstot dalībvalstis cīņā pret nabadzību, sociālo atstumtību un diskrimināciju, Eiropas Savienība tiecas pastiprināt Eiropas sabiedrības integrāciju un kohēziju un nodrošināt visiem pilsoņiem vienādu piekļuvi pieejamajām iespējām un resursiem.

Economic Inequality

Briefing 15-07-2016

This leaflet provides the main points on economic inequality and the take-home messages from the ECON/EMPL hearing on 21 June 2016 in an easy-to-read Q&A format, to make this topic more easily accessible to a wider audience. It has been prepared by the European Parliament’s Policy Department A on Economic and Scientific Policy.

Does globalisation level up living standards or increase inequality? Economists have long been debating the role free trade plays in creating winners and losers. By opening up markets, globalisation reduces the number of monopolies, while consumers benefit from the resulting increase in competition. But globalisation also leads to losses, or at least smaller net gains, for some and it can also increase economic inequality. Once a purely economic and social issue, the question of who wins and who ...

EU-Malaysia Economic and Trade Relations

Padziļināta analīze 26-09-2012

Malaysia's economy is one of the most open in the world. An export-oriented strategy helped the country to transform itself from a developing economy into a newly industrialised, middle income economy in only a few decades. Today Malaysia's goal is to become a high income country by 2020. Malaysia's economic base is varied, and trade is dominated by electronics and intermediate goods. However, the economy remains somewhat cushioned by the commodities sector, and its competitiveness relies largely ...