
Meklēšanas rezultāti

Tiek rādīts Nr. 10 no 10 rezultāti

The Commission is proposing a revision of the Fisheries Control System to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency by adapting it to the prevailing legal situation and to current technological possibilities in the field of fisheries control. This initial appraisal of the Commission’s impact assessment accompanying the proposal views the impact assessment as a well-balanced, comprehensive and transparent analysis based on sound data and research which makes a persuasive case for the proposal.


Padziļināta analīze 15-06-2017

The overview of the fisheries in Madeira was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee of Fisheries to Madeira in 2017 (22-25 May).

The principal environmental impact of driftnets is related to the bycatch of non-target species. In general driftnets have a high degree of size selectivity and can efficiently be regulated by mesh size. Few alternative fishing methods are available to catch the species targeted by driftnets, and the impact for some of these gears is controversial. Solutions are proposed to mitigate the environmental impact of driftnet fisheries by alternative fishing gears and improvement of selectivity.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the Proposal laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries. In Council Regulation (EC) No 809/2007 a driftnet is defined as a gillnet ‘held on the sea surface or at a certain distance below it by floating devices, drifting with the current, either independently or with the boat to which it may be attached. The overall impression is of an impact assessment ...

The majority of fishing vessels and fishers in Europe are engaged in inshore fisheries. These fisheries utilise a diverse range of fishing techniques that have been selected to suite the species and conditions in which they operate. This analysis describes the causes and consequences of conflict among different sectors, how these fishing gears operate, and the different ways in which they impact upon the marine environment. Solutions are proposed to reduce conflict through investment and innovative ...

Fisheries: why technical measures matter

Padziļināta analīze 02-06-2014

This paper gives an introduction to technical measures in relation to fishing practices and provides an overview of the current EU legislation and objectives on this subject. It also gives some illustration of what is under consideration in order both to align these rules with the aim of the newly reformed Common Fisheries Policy to end the discards of unwanted fish back at sea, and in relation to a possible future proposal for a broad review of the EU legislative framework on fisheries technical ...

The main objectives of this study are: - Description of four case studies considered as the most representative multispecies and mixed fisheries in EU waters. - Analysis of recent improvements on selectivity and identification of species with high survival rate. - Discuss the application of the MSY approach in multispecies fisheries and ecosystem approach. Reviewing European stock status in relation to MSY targets. - A roadmap for a feasible landing obligation and MSY approach in EU mixed ...

Fishermen not only catch what they are interested in or authorised to fish. The unwanted part of their catches is discarded back at sea, often dead. This is seen by many as an unacceptable waste of resources.

Pētījuma mērķis ir sniegt Eiropas Parlamenta Zivsaimniecības komitejai skaidrojumu par Ziemeļjūras brūno garneļu (Crangon crangon) zvejniecību un tirgu Nīderlandē, Vācijā un Dānijā. Pētījums iecerēts kā informatīvs dokuments. Tajā uzmanība pievērsta ražošanas jautājumiem (ražošanas samērīgums no ekonomiskā un sociālā viedokļa, flotes rentabilitāte, ietekme uz vidi), kā arī jautājumiem, kas saistīti tirdzniecību (nozares organizācija, lielāko vairumtirgotāju un pārstrādes uzņēmumu nozīme, cenas un ...

Conflict exists between seals and fisheries, with seals affecting fisheries through damage to catches and gear and competition for resources. Fisheries can affect seals through accidental by-catch, and overfishing can reduce prey availability. This briefing note provides a comprehensive review of the situation in Irish waters, using existing data augmented with information from key industry stakeholders to provide a realistic and representative account of the current situation. Recommendations are ...