EU Innovation Policy – Part I: Building the EU innovation policy mix

Analiżi fil-Fond 25-05-2016

This publication aims at providing an overview of the evolution of European Union innovation policy. The paper focuses on the progressive integration of a wide range of policies and instruments into the EU innovation policy mix and reflects on some barriers limiting the development of a EU innovation policy. European Union innovation policy finds its roots in the development of Community policy for research. However the understanding that innovation is a complex process led to the establishment of a EU innovation policy mix including both key policies (research, industrial, education and regional policies) and key framework conditions (funding, taxation, single market and competition, regulation, standards, intellectual property rights, etc.). Despite the actions already taken, numerous issues and bottlenecks still hamper the innovation process. It appears necessary to give innovation its full place as an overarching policy at the EU level and fully embrace the concept of open innovation.