
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 6 minn 6 riżultati

L-esperjenza tax-xogħol hi ferm apprezzata mill-azjendi, u n-nuqqas ta' esperjenza għalhekk tikkostitwixxi ostaklu ewlieni għal dawk li qed ifittxu x-xogħol għall-ewwel darba. Ħafna żgħażagħ jinqabdu f'ċirku vizzjuż: ma jistgħux isibu l -ewwel impjieg, imma ma jistgħux jakkwistaw impjieg minħabba li m'għandhomx esperjenza tax-xogħol. L-apprendistati urew li jħallu impatt fuq skala kbira fuq il-promozzjoni tal-impjieg taż-żgħażagħ, u huma r-raġuni ewlenija għal livelli baxxi ta' impjieg taż-żgħażagħ ...

The EQF is a translation grid for qualifications around Europe and at its core are eight reference levels, covering basic to most advanced qualifications. Each country is expected to classify its national qualifications into the eight EQF levels by means of its National Qualifications Framework (NQF) or the levels of its national qualifications system. The EQF is a concrete instrument to promote lifelong learning, mobility, skills and jobs of citizens throughout Europe, indispensable for achieving ...

Investment in education and training contributes significantly to economic growth and is pivotal to the EU's current and future competitiveness, while enhancing active citizenship, personal development and well-being. Still, many young Europeans are currently lacking a perspective for their future. Some of them leave the education system without having the skills or qualifications which are now seen as necessary to make a successful transition to the labour market and for active participation in ...

This note illustrates the crucial contribution of structural and cohesion policies to the "Europe 2020" strategy. It also highlights the role that the Parliament could play in strengthening these policies, which are all subject to the ordinary legislative procedure and will all undergo a far-reaching reform by 2014.

Working group I : Cooperation in the area of freedom security and justice - 'Western Balkans - Towards a more integrated Europe' This briefing note provides background information for the Joint Parliamentary Meeting Working Group discussions on "cooperation in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice" between the European Union and the Western Balkans. The paper covers various issues, such as borders, visas, migration and asylum, as well as police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Working ...

It-Trattat ta’ Lisbona b’mod ċar juri konsegwenzi serji għall-politiki strutturali u ta’ koeżjoni. Dan l-istudju janalizza l-bidliet miġjuba għall-politiki li jaqgħu taħt ir-responsabilità tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika B tad-Direttorat Ġenerali għall- Politiki Interni tal-Parlament Ewropew (ta’ natura istituzzjonali, proċedurali, finanzjarja kif ukoll fir-rigward tal-bażijiet ġuridiċi).