
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 7 minn 7 riżultati

Successive negotiation rounds between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt about the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) have ended in stalemate. This new dam, built by Ethiopia on the Blue Nile (the Nile's main tributary), will bring into operation Africa's largest hydropower plant. It is expected to secure access to electricity for the majority of Ethiopians, to foster economic development and to provide revenues from the sale of surplus electricity abroad. For its part, Sudan ...

The Mekong River is a vital source of livelihoods and economic activity in continental South-East Asia and extends from the Tibetan Plateau to the South China Sea. Its length is 4 800 km. More than half circulates in China, but its channel runs through Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. The Mekong has the world's largest inland freshwater fishery industry, vital to the region's food security, representing around USD 3 000 million per year. Its unique and rich biological habitat provides ...

Il-protezzjoni u l-immaniġġjar tal-ilma

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-11-2017

L-ilma huwa essenzjali għall-ħajja tal-bnedmin, tal-annimali u tal-pjanti u huwa riżorsa indispensabbli għall-ekonomija. Il-protezzjoni u l-immaniġġjar tiegħu jmorru lil hinn mill-konfini nazzjonali. Il-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE dwar l-ilma ġiet ittrasformata bl-adozzjoni fis-sena 2000 tad-Direttiva Qafas dwar l-Ilma (DQI), li introduċiet approċċ olistiku għall-immaniġġjar u l-protezzjoni tal-ilmijiet tal-wiċċ u tal-ilma ta' taħt l-art ibbażat fuq il-baċini tax-xmajjar. Id-DQI hija ssuplimentata bi ftehimiet ...

This Study was commissioned and supervised by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI committee. It aims to analyze issues related to the petitions from Spanish citizens on the Spanish side of the Tagus and Ebro River Basin Districts. Two main solutions have been brought forward in order to solve the water shortage in Spain: water transfer or desalination. The most widely used approach so far has been the transfer, which ...

Responding to the objective of achieving territorial cohesion, the macro-regional approach promoted by the European Union has gained momentum since 2009 and has been put into practice, first in the Baltic Sea Region and subsequently in the Danube River Basin and the Adriatic-Ionian Region through the implementation of strategies targeted at each of these areas, the Danube Region Strategy being one such example. Now that these first macro-regional strategies have been in operation for a few years, ...

In more than 260 trans­boundary watercourses around the world, the closely linked issues of energy, water and agriculture cause difficulties. Tensions between energy-starved Tajikistan and cotton-producing Uzbekistan over the planned Rogun hydro-electric dam illustrate the continuing 'water versus energy' debate. At the same time, the scarcity of water resources in Central Asia is often caused by mismanagement.

EU strategy for the Danube region

Briefing 15-02-2011

A new concept is currently being tested in the framework of the EU's cohesion policy: macro-regional strategies.   The EU strategy for the Danube region, based on the Danube river basin, is the second approach of this kind, after that for the Baltic Sea region (2009).