
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 21 riżultati

This note is prepared in view of a public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Elke König, scheduled for 30 November 2022.

The Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive harmonises a minimum requirement for the funding of Deposit Guarantee Schemes through available financial means, a reserve paid in ex-ante. The Deposit Guarantee Schemes must observe the harmonised minimum target levels as of July 2024. The latest EBA data shows progress in that direction at most Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Three considerations should in particular be borne in mind when assessing the level of funding through available financial means: First ...

This note is prepared in view of an ordinary public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Elke König, which will take place on 14 March 2022. This briefing (1) addresses mainly the situation of Sberbank Europe that has been declared failing-or-likely-to-fail, giving background information (i) on the bank, (ii) the process, (iii) the actions taken, (iv) the public interest assessments made, and (v) the implications for deposit guarantee schemes. In view of the current situation ...

This briefing summarises key elements of the intended initiative, based on the information that the Commission provided on 10 November 2020 in its related public consultation and additional public sources. The briefing also briefly focuses on other related issues, namely, misalignments between state-aid and resolution and some European Court of Justice decisions with impact on the crisis management framework, and a box focusing on rele-vant aspects of the Commission’s recently released NPL Action ...

Banking Union: What next?

Analiżi fil-Fond 18-07-2019

This briefing summarises the key areas of possible regulatory initiatives with a view to further completing the Banking Union: (1) EDIS, (2) Further harmonisation of banking law (“single rule book’), (3) Home/host issues, (4) Resolution financing, (5) Further harmonisation of insolvency law, (6) safe assets and regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures and (7) AML supervision. These issues are further explained in additional thematic briefings.

Directive (EU) 2015/849, which forms part of the EU regulatory framework to combat financial crime, has shown gaps in the light of recent terrorist attacks and various tax leaks. In this context, the European Commission proposed to amend the directive, along with Directive 2009/101/EC, to broaden their scope, lower thresholds benefiting from exemptions and provide for the creation of automated centralised mechanisms (e.g. central electronic data retrieval systems). The European Parliament and Council ...

Revision of the Anti-money-laundering Directive

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 11-04-2018

The current EU regulatory framework for financial crime –composed of Directive (EU) 2015/849, and Regulation (EU) 2015/847– faces the challenge of keeping pace with technological innovation in financial services, which can create new opportunities to conceal financing, as well as the potential exploitation by criminals of loopholes in the system. Following approval in committee in January, the report is due to be voted in plenary in April.

Achieving the aim of Europe’s banking union project, to break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns, requires new policy initiatives. The most direct bank-sovereign linkages are national deposit insurance and concentrated domestic sovereign exposures. Thus, simultaneously with a European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS) as proposed by the European Commission in 2015, the European Union should introduce regulatory disincentives against highly concentrated sovereign exposures of euro area ...

Il-qasam tat-tassazzjoni diretta mhuwiex regolat direttament mir-regoli tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Madankollu, diversi direttivi u l-ġurisprudenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea (QtĠ) jistabbilixxu standards armonizzati rigward it-tassazzjoni tal-kumpaniji u ta' individwi privati. Barra minn hekk ġew ippubblikati komunikazzjonijiet li jenfasizzaw l-importanza li jiġu evitati l-evażjoni tat-taxxa u t-tassazzjoni doppja. Deċiżjonijiet tat-taxxa favur kumpaniji kbar f'xi Stati Membri, li jistgħu ...

L-Unjoni Bankarja

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

L-Unjoni Bankarja nħolqot bi tweġiba għall-kriżi finanzjarja u fil-preżent fiha żewġ elementi: il-Mekkaniżmu Superviżorju Uniku (SSM) u l-Mekkaniżmu Uniku ta' Riżoluzzjoni (SRM). L-SSM jissorvelja l-akbar u l-aktar banek importanti fiż-żona tal-euro direttament fil-livell Ewropew, filwaqt li l-għan tal-SRM hu li l-banek li jkunu qed ifallu jiġu riżolti b'mod ordnat bi spejjeż minimi għall-kontribwenti u għall-ekonomija reali. Bħalissa qiegħed jiġi diskuss it-tielet element: Skema Ewropea ta' Assigurazzjoni ...