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On 30 June 2022, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the conclusion of negotiations on a comprehensive EU-New Zealand free trade agreement (FTA). The 2014-2019 Commission had initially aimed to finalise negotiations before the end of its mandate in late 2019. However, both sides raised several sensitive issues during negotiations, not least because New Zealand is a major and competitive producer and exporter of agricultural goods. The ...

Following the EU-India summit in May 2021, talks on both an EU-India trade and an investment agreement have resumed. This analysis provides background on where EU-India economic relations stand and why it is important to maintain momentum following this breakthrough, despite a somewhat unpromising domestic political environment in India. This new impetus largely reflects a transformed geopolitical landscape since the last round of EU-India talks were abandoned in 2013. The increased tension between ...

According to analysts and politicians, China’s increasingly autocratic domestic stance and assertive foreign policy are damaging its relations with the European Union. No substantial agreement was achieved at a virtual EU-China summit on 14 September, despite years of negotiations on many issues, not least on trade and investment. ‘For the EU, China is simultaneously (in different policy areas) a cooperation partner, a negotiation partner, an economic competitor and a systemic rival,’ the European ...

This report examines key aspects of the European Union-China economic relationship, including trade, investment and China’s key strategic project overseas, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). We conclude that China is, and will continue to be, a major trade and investment partner for EU countries. In this context, it seems clear that regardless of the direction of the United States-China relationship, the EU needs to explore options for fruitful co-existence with China. Trade continues to be the ...

The European Commission has described the free trade and investment protection agreements (FTA/IPA) signed with Vietnam as the most ambitious deals of their type ever concluded by the EU and a developing country. Not only will they eliminate over 99 % of customs duties on goods, they will also open up Vietnamese markets to European service providers and investors. According to European Commission figures, the agreements will boost trade in both directions, with EU exports set to rise by nearly 30 ...

Il-Pajjiżi tal-Golf, l-Iran, l-Iraq u l-Jemen

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-09-2017

L-UE għandha Ftehimiet ta' Kooperazzjoni mal-Kunsill ta' Kooperazzjoni tal-Golf (organizzazzjoni reġjonali li tiġbor fiha l-Bahrain, il-Kuwajt, l-Oman, il-Qatar, l-Arabja Sawdija, u l-Emirati Għarab Magħquda), u mal-Jemen, u Ftehim ta' Sħubija u Kooperazzjoni mal-Iraq. Attwalment, l-UE m'għandha l-ebda relazzjoni kuntrattwali mal-Iran iżda tirrikonoxxi li hemm potenzjal kbir għal relazzjonijiet aktar profondi.

EU-Cuba relations: a new chapter begins

Analiżi fil-Fond 18-07-2017

The Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) between the EU and Cuba, endorsed by the European Parliament (EP) on 5 July 2017, opens a new phase in EU-Cuba relations. Until now Cuba was the only country in Latin America without a cooperation or political dialogue agreement with the EU. The PDCA creates a framework for political dialogue and closer bilateral cooperation, including in trade. The parts of the agreement (mostly related to cooperation and trade issues) that fall within EU competence ...

Despite (or because of) Donald Trump’s various campaign statements, it is hard to predict confidently what path his administration will take in a wide range of foreign-policy areas. It is however possible to identify key issues and challenges in EU-US relations during his presidency. This briefing provides an overview of issues where US policy may change sharply during the next four years and what this may mean for the EU. Less interventionism, less commitment to NATO and a retreat from trade liberalization ...

This report outlines the potential for a more structured and strategic relationship between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran following the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). To both address areas of disagreement and complaints, as well as pursue common interests and matters of mutual benefit, the EU needs to put in place an institutional framework that can withstand the various setbacks that have, to date, derailed all previous efforts of political dialogue. There are ...

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, nowadays known as the World Bank, was conceived to help rebuild European countries devastated by the Second World War. Since then, through various reforms, its mission has evolved and its scope and staff increased significantly. Nowadays, the World Bank Group consists of five institutions (IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA and ICSID), each with a particular mode of organisation and a specific scope and mission. The institution and its role have evolved ...