
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 9 minn 9 riżultati

This report examines youth-oriented active labour market policies under Pillar 6 of the Resilience and Recovery Facility instrument. The report focuses on school to work transition trends for the past 10 years and in the aftermath of COVID-19. It examines the Recovery and Resilience Plans’ main features in this domain, and the Southern EU countries’ approach to active labour market policies for young people. We draw policy recommendations aiming at horizontal and vertical collaboration in the implementation ...

EYE 2016 – Youth unemployment: Down to zero?

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 28-04-2016

Young people in Europe are eager to move on, to work and to participate, but more than 4 million of them are in a precarious position. How can we reduce youth unemployment to close to zero within 10 years? Has Europe taken decisive action for a real crackdown? This note has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place in Strasbourg in May 2016. Please click here for the full publication in PDF format

Europe 2020 focuses strongly on young people, with a headline target of reducing early school-leaving and increasing tertiary attainment. Two other headlines also share a clear youth dimension - to reduce the risk of poverty and to increase the share of the population in employment. Because education is paramount in shaping young people's attitudes, skills and culture, it is vital that entrepreneurship education is addressed from an early age. After all, entrepreneurship is not solely about business ...

In recent years, the EU has developed a European dimension to education, notably in the area of higher education, where it has stimulated mobility of students and teachers. In the last two decades, major progress has also been made in harmonizing university degree structures and increasing the compatibility of higher education systems. The benefits of the support given to education at a Union level derive from the cross-border character of the activities in the field, which are additional to those ...

There is evidence of skills shortages in STEM fields in spite of high unemployment rates in many Member States. This document, prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee intends to provide an up-to-date overview of the labour market situation in STEM occupations and to analyse European and national approaches to encourage STEM uptake in relation to these labour market needs. The aim is to identify practices which help to increase the supply of STEM ...

L-esperjenza tax-xogħol hi ferm apprezzata mill-azjendi, u n-nuqqas ta' esperjenza għalhekk tikkostitwixxi ostaklu ewlieni għal dawk li qed ifittxu x-xogħol għall-ewwel darba. Ħafna żgħażagħ jinqabdu f'ċirku vizzjuż: ma jistgħux isibu l -ewwel impjieg, imma ma jistgħux jakkwistaw impjieg minħabba li m'għandhomx esperjenza tax-xogħol. L-apprendistati urew li jħallu impatt fuq skala kbira fuq il-promozzjoni tal-impjieg taż-żgħażagħ, u huma r-raġuni ewlenija għal livelli baxxi ta' impjieg taż-żgħażagħ ...

Presented as an individual's ability to turn ideas into actions, entrepreneurship has evolved over time to embrace creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to set-up and run a business. Entrepreneurship is now considered as a key competence for all which should be promoted at all levels of education (from primary school to university) as well as through lifelong learning.

Dan l-istudju janalizza l-firxa u n-natura tal-problema relatata malpersuni fl-UE li jieqfu mill-iskola qabel iż-żmien. Jeżamina fid-dettall ilmod kif il-pajjiżi qed jippruvaw jiffaċċjaw din il-problema, jidentifika lkaratteristiċi ta’ politiki effikaċi u jwassal biex joħroġ b’firxa ta’ rakkomandazzjonijiet għall-atturi tal-ġejjieni f’livell Ewropew u f’dak nazzjonali. L-istudju huwa bbażat kemm fuq riċerka fid-dettall f’disa’ Stati Membri kif ukoll fuq analiżi tal-pubblikazzjonijiet internazzjonali ...

Il-Proċess ta’ Bolonja wassal għal tibdiliet fundamentali fl-edukazzjoni għolja madwar l-Ewropa. It-tnedija taż-Żona Ewropea ta’ Edukazzjoni Għolja (EHEA) fl-2010 kienet pass ta’ importanza partikolari fit-triq lejn żona miftuħa ta’ tagħlim għoli kkaratterizzata minn kompatibilità u komparabilità ikbar kif ukoll żieda fl-attraenza internazzjonali u lkompetittività tas-sistemi Ewropej tal-edukazzjoni għolja. Sar progress ġmielu f’għadd kbir ta’ oqsma, iżda għad hemm ħafna xi jsir biex niżguraw li ...