
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 26 riżultati

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

This in-depth analysis explores how EU trade policy tools can effectively tackle the import and circulation of forced labour products in the European single market in order to help implement the Commission’s decent work worldwide initiative. The report compares the option of an EU import ban on forced labour goods to the option of prohibiting the marketing of such products, in light of the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market published ...

In recent years, the US has taken a range of steps to strengthen US legislation and enforcement practice from a human rights, trade and foreign policy perspective in the fight against the widespread use of forced labour in the increasingly complex global supply chains of the 21st century. A prominent example is the Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act of 2021. It bans imports from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in the north-west of China, except where importers can rebut the presumption ...

US duties on imports of Spanish ripe olives

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 06-03-2019

In January 2019, the European Union (EU) launched a case before the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the United States (US) challenging duties on imports of Spanish ripe olives, definitively in place since July 2018. US authorities have concluded that certain EU support measures for Spanish olive producers under the common agricultural policy (CAP) are contrary to WTO rules and can be countervailed. Given the importance of such support for EU farmers, the US measures could have far-reaching ...

This report summarises empirical facts about the economic impact of the EU sanctions against Russia and the Russian countersanctions, both implemented in the summer of 2014. The observed decline in trade volumes between the EU and Russia is not only due to the sanctions, but also other economic factors, such as the downturn of the Russian economy, largely caused by the falling oil price and the ensuing ruble depreciation. Furthermore, empirical evidence suggests that European and Russian companies ...

• The Minamata Convention has been welcomed as a major step in the fight against mercury related health hazards. During COP1, Parties will discuss several topics of the agreement, debate amendments and adopt Articles or guidance. The public and private sector are encouraging Parties to take concrete actions during COP1. • The issue of effectiveness evaluation must be monitored closely as it will set the foundation for the future. Defining common methods and monitoring tools will be essential when ...

Il-politika tal-UE dwar il-kummerċ u l-iżvilupp hija deskritta fil-qosor fil-Komunikazzjoni ta' Jannar 2012 dwar "Il-kummerċ, it-tkabbir u l-iżvilupp". Hija tiffoka fuq il-pajjiżi l-aktar fil-bżonn. L-Iskema Ġeneralizzata ta' Preferenzi nżammet għall-pajjiżi l-anqas żviluppati, bħalma nżamm ukoll ir-reġim Everything But Arms, filwaqt li t-trattament preferenzjali għal pajjiżi AKP li mhumiex fost il-pajjiżi l-anqas żviluppati ġie sostitwit minn Ftehimiet ta' Sħubija Ekonomika (FSE) li jinkludu komponent ...

The United Nations' Minamata Convention on mercury was agreed in 2013 with a view to protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. Although mercury use has declined significantly in recent decades, mercury released into the air, water and land remains a serious threat to human health and the environment. Once emitted into the air or water, mercury can travel over long distances, which makes it a global problem. Current EU policy bans exports of mercury, provides ...

The United Nations' Minamata Convention on mercury was agreed in 2013 with a view to protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. Although mercury use has declined significantly in recent decades, mercury released into the air, water and land remains a serious threat to human health and the environment. Once emitted into the air or water, mercury can travel over long distances, which makes it a global problem. Current EU policy bans exports of mercury, provides ...

In response to the EU's economic sanctions against Russia in the context of the situation in Ukraine, a Russian ban on certain EU agri-food products has been in place since August 2014. The agricultural sectors most affected by the ban include dairy, fruit and vegetables and meat, reflecting products of which the EU has been an important supplier. Since the ban, the EU has lost more than €5 billion per year of agri-food exports to Russia. This loss has been partially offset by the 6% increase in ...