
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

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Għajnuna reġjonali mill-Istat

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-11-2017

L-għan tal-għajnuna reġjonali mill-Istat huwa li tappoġġja l-iżvilupp ekonomiku u l-ħolqien tal-impjiegi fl-aktar reġjuni żvantaġġużi fl-Ewropa.

Youth Employment Initiative

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 17-06-2014

Since 2008, youth unemployment has increased rapidly. Moreover, the gap between the Member States with the highest and lowest rates of unemployed young people remains particularly high (see map 1). Today, there is a difference of more than 50 percentage points between Germany – the Member State with the lowest rate of youth unemployment (7.7% in 2013) - and Greece, with the highest (58.1%).

Youth Employment Initiative

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 27-03-2014

The European Youth Initiative is a tool set up to help regions that had youth unemployment rates of more than 25% in 2012, and regions with youth unemployment rates of more than 20% in 2012 in Member States where youth unemployment rate had increased by more than 30% in 2012.

Currently, all EU Member States are preparing their Partnership Agreement and the Operational Programmes for the new programming period 2014-2020. The preparation process is far behind schedule in almost all Member States, which is mainly due to delays of the financial and regulative framework at EU level. Nevertheless, most Member States do have draft Partnership Agreements, programme strategies and contents. The missing chapters of the Operational Programmes relate to ex-ante conditionalities, ...

This study is intended as background paper on the ongoing structural policy reform discussions on the compatibility between National and European regional policies.