
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 34 riżultati

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the High Representative / Vice President since 2019.

Plenary round-up – December 2020

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 21-12-2020

The December 2020 plenary session focused on the agreement on EU finances for the coming years, as well as the conclusions of the 10-11 December European Council meeting. Members debated future relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom, and adopted first-reading positions on temporary contingency measures on air and road connectivity, fisheries and aviation safety, to come into force should no agreement be reached with the UK by the end of this year. Members also discussed the preparation ...

Plenary round-up – November II 2020

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 27-11-2020

During the second November 2020 plenary session, Parliament held a number of debates with Council and the European Commission. Discussions concerned fundamental rights issues such as abortion rights in Poland, the new LGBTIQ equality strategy, and Hungarian interference in the media in Slovenia and North Macedonia. In a debate with Council and Commission, Members also discussed the forthcoming European Council meeting, on 10 11 December 2020. Debates with the Commission included discussion of a new ...

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President designate of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, appeared before the European Parliament on 7 October 2019 to answer MEPs’ questions. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document.

The special European Council agreed on a package of EU high-level appointments including, the German Defence Minister, Ursula von der Leyen (Germany) as candidate for the office of European Commission President. The Prime Minister of Belgium, Charles MIchel, was elected as incumbent European Council President. Josep Borrell (Spain) was nominated for High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Christine Lagarde (France) for President of the European Central Bank.

The European Parliament's application of scrutiny prerogatives of political oversight of the European Commission increases the democratic legitimacy of the European Union, and the transparency and accountability of the European executive. The study examines the status quo of the European Parliament's powers of scrutiny of the European Commission. The cases examined pertain mainly to electoral and institutional issues, motions of censure, parliamentary questions, inquiry committees and special parliamentary ...

Defence: What has the EU done?

Briefing 29-06-2018

Attempts to move towards a common defence have been part of the European Project since its inception. However, more has been achieved in the past two years than in the last 60 years.

Defence: Member States' Spending

Briefing 31-05-2018

In 2016, the amount of expenditure dedicated to defence represented 1.3% of GDP for the EU-28 and 1.2% of GDP for the Euro area. This is much less than the amount spent on social protection (which is equivalent to 19.1% of GDP), Health (7.1%) or Education (4.7%) but not quite as much as the amount spent on Public Safety and Order (1.7% of GDP) and significantly higher that the amount spent on environmental protection (0.7% of GDP). In 2016, the highest levels of expenditure in defence in the EU were ...

Il-politika estera: l-għanijiet, l-istrumenti u l-kisbiet

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

Il-Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà Komuni (PESK) tal-Unjoni Ewropea ġiet stabbilita fl-1993 u minn dak iż-żmien issaħħet permezz ta' Trattati sussegwenti. Illum, il-Parlament jeżamina fil-fond il-PESK u jagħti l-kontribut tiegħu għall-iżvilupp tagħha, partikolarment billi jsostni s-Servizz Ewropew għall-Azzjoni Esterna (SEAE), ir-Rappreżentanti Speċjali tal-UE (RSUE) u d-delegazzjonijiet barranin tal-UE. Is-setgħat baġitarji tal-Parlament isawru l-kobor u l-ambitu tal-PESK, kif anki l-istrumenti finanzjarji ...

Il-Politika ta' Sigurtà u ta' Difiża Komuni

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

Il-politika ta' Sigurtà u ta' Difiża Komuni (PSDK) tistabbilixxi l-qafas għall-istrutturi politiċi u militari tal-UE u missjonijiet u operazzjonijiet militari u ċivili f'pajjiżi barranin. L-Istrateġija Globali tal-UE tal-2016 tistabbilixxi l-istrateġija għall-PSDK, filwaqt li t-Trattat ta' Lisbona jiċċara l-aspetti istituzzjonali u jsaħħaħ ir-rwol tal-PE. Reċentement kien hemm bidliet strateġiċi u operazzjonali ewlenin fil-PSDK. Qed tkompli tevolvi biex tilħaq l-isfidi ta’ sigurtà u t-talba popolari ...