Appointment procedures in the EU institutions

Studie 15-02-2019

This analytical study focuses on the legal and practical / ethical dimensions of the appointment of senior-level officials in the European Union (EU) institutions, and a selection of Member States and different European / international organisations. Focusing on the four instances of maladministration identified by the European Ombudsman with regard to the appointment of the new Secretary-General (SG) of the European Commission (EC), this study recommends inter alia that a special appointment procedure should be adopted for the appointment of the SG of the EC; amending Articles 7 and Article 29 of the Staff Regulations to improve their clarity and limit chances of misapplication / maladministration; for the Ombudsman to be capable of bringing a judicial review procedure; looking into the possible ways in which EU citizens and organisations may be involved in shaping the institutional policies on appointments; promoting the professionalisation of selection committees; addressing inefficiencies in appointment procedures and clarifying criteria (on exceptions, publication of vacancies etc.); enhancing the transparency of appointment procedures and strengthening independent monitoring of appointment procedures; broadening the choice of candidates; considering the introduction of external independent expertise in appointment procedures; a role for the European Parliament, e.g. pre-appointment hearings of SG; and clarifying existing conflict of interest requirements.