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Resultaat 10 van 19 resultaten

Up until the 2022 Russian invasion, Ukraine was exporting more than 40 % of its goods to the EU, making the EU the country's leading trading partner. The principal goods imported by the EU were raw materials, chemical products and machinery. With regard to the agri-food sector, Ukraine supplied almost half of the cereals and vegetable oils and a quarter of the poultry meat imported to Europe. While the full impact of the Russian invasion on Ukraine's agri-food trade has still to be assessed, some ...

Het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid in cijfers

Infopagina's over de EU 01-10-2017

Onderstaande tabellen tonen basisstatistieken met gegevens uit verschillende domeinen die verband houden met het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid (GLB), meer bepaald de landbouw- en voedingsmiddelenindustrie in de lidstaten (tabel II), de integratie van milieuaspecten in het GLB (tabel III), de bosbouwsector (tabel IV), de financiering en uitgaven van het GLB (tabellen I en V) en de handel in landbouwproducten en voedingsmiddelen (tabel VI).

Global value chains, and the related trade in intermediate goods and services, dominate today's interconnected economy. Tragic events, such as the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in 2013, have shed new light on the operation of these chains. Pressure is mounting on the various stakeholders involved at both national and international levels to prevent and mitigate the risks of the adverse effects linked to their functioning. Although a number of promising initiatives have been launched ...

In response to the EU's economic sanctions against Russia in the context of the situation in Ukraine, a Russian ban on certain EU agri-food products has been in place since August 2014. The agricultural sectors most affected by the ban include dairy, fruit and vegetables and meat, reflecting products of which the EU has been an important supplier. Since the ban, the EU has lost more than €5 billion per year of agri-food exports to Russia. This loss has been partially offset by the 6% increase in ...

'Trans fats' or 'trans fatty acids' (TFAs) are a type of unsaturated fatty acids that have been widely used in the food industry since the 1950s. There is now broad scientific consensus that high consumption of trans fats significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), and may also be associated with increased risk of other cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes. The main dietary source of industrial trans fats are partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. The World ...

This study was prepared for Policy Department A at the request of the Environmental, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee, and updates the earlier 2013 briefing. It provides an overview of the food safety situation in Ireland. It outlines the Irish food and drink industry, the structure and organisation of the food safety and control system involved in food safety in Ireland and a description of current food safety issues in Ireland. An overview of the structure and competencies of the ...

Deze uitgebreide analyse is bedoeld voor de leden van de Commissie landbouw en plattelandsontwikkeling van het Europees Parlement die in maart 2016 een bezoek zullen brengen aan Nederland. Dit document bevat een zeer beknopt overzicht van het land, een beschrijving van de landbouwsector en een uiteenzetting van de uitvoering van het nieuwe gemeenschappelijke landbouwbeleid van de EU voor de periode 2014- 2020. Nederland heeft een open en op kennis gebaseerde economie die gekenmerkt wordt door hoge ...

Russia is the European Union's third biggest trading partner. In 2014, trade volume between the European Union (EU) and Russia decreased, mainly due to the impact of the recession on the Russian economy, as well as the conflict in Ukraine which led to EU sanctions and Russian countermeasures. Beginning in early 2014, the EU introduced and extended a range of diplomatic and economic sanctions against the Russian Federation in protest at Russian involvement in destabilising Ukraine and violation of ...

The European Commission has launched an investigation into Italian legislation prohibiting the use of condensed and powdered milk in dairy products, demanding appropriate labelling instead. Since milk powder is commonly used in cheese production elsewhere in the European Union (EU), the Italian law may contradict EU legislation on free movement of goods. Member States are allowed to impose additional food labelling requirements, on condition they are justified.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) on measures to address food waste. This IA, dated 23 September 2014, completes the IA on the review of EU waste management targets which accompanied the proposal on waste, on packaging and packaging waste, on the landfill of waste, on end-of-life vehicles, on waste batteries and accumulators, and on waste electrical and electronic equipment, adopted on 2 July 2014. ...