
Uw resultaten

Resultaat 4 van 4 resultaten

Competition policy has been found to make a positive contribution to the EU's economic growth and the EU has one of the most robust competition policy systems in the world. European competition policy encompasses many fields, not least antitrust measures, merger control and State aid. It is enforced by the European Commission, whose decisions can be contested in the Court of Justice of the European Union. Recent policy developments include the antitrust damages system and the framework empowering ...

The workshop organised by the Policy Department A for the IMCO Committee aimed at discussing problems in the area of franchising and the impact of the EU rules on functioning of the franchising contract. It allowed exchange of views on market conditions in the EU as well as corrective legislative and regulatory actions.


Studie 27-04-2016

This document was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee. It presents the evolution of franchising regulation in the European Union and comparative analysis of franchising regulation in selected legal systems. It identifies problems in the area of franchising and indicates the impact of the EU rules on functioning of the franchising. Recommendations indicate at a need for a profound review of market conditions in the EU and corrective ...

Deze nota onderzoekt de ervaring van verticale scheiding binnen de Europese spoorvervoerssector. De voor- en nadelen van verticale scheiding worden behandeld evenals de economische, operationele, veiligheidseffecten en het effect op de gebruiker. Verschillende benaderingen ten aanzien van verticale scheiding hebben tot verschillende resultaten geleid, waarbij sommige een aanzienlijk positief effect hebben gehad op de concurrentieontwikkeling van de spoorwegen, maar andere in mindere mate. Deze nota ...