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This At a glance note summaries the study on Training and social security schemes for fishers. The study presents the current state of play of the mutual recognition of certificates of competency of EU fishers and the functioning of the social security schemes that cover them. Based on the analysis of these topics, the study discusses the impact of the current situation on the mobility of fishers, on the fishing sector’s working risks and security and ultimately on the attractiveness of the fishing ...

This study analyses the effects of COVID-19 on the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors from March to December 2020. It gives an overview of the main effects experienced at EU level and develops eight case studies (Spain, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Portugal and Bulgaria). The research also provides conclusions and policy recommendations to strengthen the sector’s resilience to shocks, and to address current vulnerabilities in view of potential similar events. The study was commissioned ...

Structurele steun aan de visserij

Infopagina's over de EU 01-09-2017

Het Europese visserijbeleid, dat aanvankelijk door het Financieringsinstrument voor de Oriëntatie van de Visserij (FIOV) werd gefinancierd, werd voor de periode 2007-2013 gefinancierd door het Europees Visserijfonds (EVF) en wordt momenteel gefinancierd door het nieuwe Europees Fonds voor Maritieme Zaken en Visserij (EFMZV), dat voor de periode 2014-2020 een begroting van 6,4 miljard euro heeft. Het EFMZV ondersteunt vissers bij de overgang naar duurzame visserij, ondersteunt kustgemeenschappen bij ...

Instandhouding van visbestanden

Infopagina's over de EU 01-09-2017

Om de visbestanden in stand te houden, is het nodig deze bestanden ecologisch duurzaam te exploiteren en de sector voor de lange termijn levensvatbaar te maken. Hiertoe zijn diverse Europese normen opgesteld die de toegang tot de communautaire wateren, de verdeling en het gebruik van visbestanden, de totaal toegestane vangsten, de beperking van de visserijinspanning en andere technische maatregelen reguleren.

This briefing note is intended to provide the European Parliament with an analysis on tax allowances, as provided by the Directive 2003/96/EC, on fuels used by the EU fishing fleet. An estimate of the effects of this directive in terms of forgone revenue by governments of the EU MS is provided. Additionally, the benefits gained by fishers from tax reductions/exemptions are analysed across fleet segments.

Fisheries in Ireland

Studie 15-01-2013

This document describes the fisheries in Ireland for the Delegation of the Committee on Fisheries to Donegal and Galway in February 2013. It updates a previous European Parliament Note of 2008, taking account of several new developments in the fisheries and aquaculture sector since.

This study analyses the management tools for fishery management in the Mediterranean proposed by the amendment of the Parliament and their pro's and con's. Management tools currently available are discussed to learn lessons and consider possible drawbacks. Conclusions show that future policies should consider specific strategies for each fishing area and gear, by drawing specific management plans depending on whether resources are shared or not shared.

The EU will invest over €12 billion in outermost and sparsely populated regions between 2007 and 2013. Those regions need special attention from the EU because of their specific constraints, including remoteness, insularity, small size, harsh climatic conditions, and economic dependence on a limited number of products. EU measures include special allocations as well as specific supply arrangements and programmes to encourage the development of local agricultural products.

In 2011, the Commission will launch the review of the EFF with the publication of a draft regulation and associated impact assessment. This report presents an independent evaluation of the EFF to highlight the challenges faced by Member States and the sector in implementing the regulation during the current programming period. Proposals for a future EEF are developed and a series of options are evaluated.

The study analyses the structure and economic performance of small-scale coastal fisheries (SSF) in Europe. Eighteen main clusters within SSF are identified and their distribution by NUTS-2 region is presented. The contribution of SSF in terms of income and employment to the economies of the NUTS-2 regions is also assessed. Some potential policy implications of the study’s findings are considered in light of the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.