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The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan to manage fisheries in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. The plan covers demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom). These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear, but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). The North Sea demersal fisheries are conducted by several thousand EU vessels, mainly from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands ...

The European Parliament is due to vote on a provisional agreement with the Council on a legislative proposal for a multiannual plan to manage fisheries in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. The plan would cover demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom). These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). Demersal fisheries, conducted by several thousand EU vessels, represent ...

Multiannual plan for North Sea fisheries

Kort overzicht 23-05-2018

During the May II plenary, Parliament is expected to vote on a provisional agreement with the Council on a multiannual plan to manage the North Sea fisheries targeting demersal species (i.e. those living close to the sea bed). The plan, aiming to secure the long-term sustainability of the North Sea fisheries, bases its management measures on the best available scientific advice, and introduces new rules on how the Council sets the annual total allowable catches (TACs) for the stocks concerned.

The issue of choke species has been highlighted as the biggest single problem in implementing the landing obligation. This study looks at the choke issues within North Western Waters. It reports on the findings of choke analysis carried out and evalutes the effectiveness of available tools and measures within the CFP to reduce the risk of choke species. Finally three future scenarios – Fmsy 2020, Brexit and climate change – are considered and how these will impact on the implementation of the landing ...

The demersal fisheries in the North Sea are highly mixed. Several CFP tools and additional policy adjustments have been implemented since 2015. They have helped deal with the landing obligation but have not incentivised discard reductions. Many potential choke issues are primarily political, linked to quota distribution rather than quota shortage. A few specific situations (including plaice, hake and elasmobranchs) are considered difficult to address with the current CFP tools. Results-based ...

The European Parliament is due to decide a position in plenary in advance of interinstitutional negotiations on a legislative proposal for a multiannual plan to manage some fisheries in the North Sea. For its part, the Council adopted its general approach in April 2017. This plan would cover demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom) in the EU waters in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear ...

On 3 August 2016, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal for a multiannual plan to manage some fisheries in the North Sea. This plan would cover demersal species (i.e. species living close to the sea bottom) in the EU waters in the North Sea and some adjacent maritime areas. These stocks are exploited by various fishing fleets using various fishing gear but often catching different species together (mixed fisheries). These demersal fisheries, conducted by several thousand EU vessels ...

De vangst van Noordzeegarnalen

Studie 16-05-2011

Doel van de studie is om leden van de Commissie visserij van het Europees Parlement een duidelijk beeld te geven van de vangst van Noordzeegarnalen (Crangon crangon) en de markten in Nederland, Duitsland en Denemarken. De studie is opgezet als informatiedocument. Aan de orde komen productiekwesties (economisch en maatschappelijk belang van de vloten, milieueffecten) en marktkwesties (organisatie van de sector, rol van de belangrijkste groothandelaren en verwerkers, prijzen en marges in de sector ...