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Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity. Russia's threat to use nuclear weapons in the context of its war on Ukraine has been a stark reminder that this threat is real. At present, nine states are known to have military nuclear programmes. Over recent years, tensions among nuclear-armed states have increased, leading to 'outright strategic rivalry and competition' among several of them. Moreover, experts are concerned that the 'fabric of international institutions, treaties, and norms ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Energy policy is a competence shared between the EU and its Member States. Whereas the EU has responsibility under the Treaties to ensure security of supply, Member States are responsible for determining the structure of their energy supply and their choice of energy sources. EU legislation on security of supply focuses on natural gas and electricity markets, and is closely related to other EU objectives: consolidating a single energy market, improving energy efficiency, and promoting renewable energy ...


Infopagina's over de EU 01-11-2017

Kerncentrales produceren momenteel ongeveer een derde van de elektriciteit en 14% van de verbruikte energie in de EU. Kernenergie is een koolstofarm alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen en vormt een cruciaal onderdeel van de energiemix van veel lidstaten. In de nasleep van de ramp in Tsjernobyl in 1986 en de nucleaire ramp in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011 is kernenergie echter zeer omstreden geworden. Het besluit van Duitsland om het gebruik van kernenergie geleidelijk te verminderen en uiterlijk in ...

Nuclear safety in the EU

Kort overzicht 01-04-2011

In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, there is renewed concern for nuclear safety in the EU. The German government has moved swiftly to close seven of its older reactors, while at EU level, the Commissioner is pushing for "stress tests" on all 143 of the EU's reactors.

Part One of the study is a history of the Euratom Treaty, which covers the period from the early 1950s to the late 1960s. Part Two of the study considers and analyses the most important provisions of the Euratom Treaty, chapter by chapter, and then Part Three offers some thoughts on possible strategies which the Parliament might use so as to reduce the ‘democratic deficit’ which is generally thought to characterise the Euratom Treaty.

The nuclear Energy Amplifier (EA) proposed in 1993 by Professor Carlo Rubbia, Nobel prize, is an original hybrid nuclear reactor made of a fast subcritical nuclear reactor driven by a high energetic and intense proton accelerator which could be at the same time basically a safe electricity producer and could also bum almost completely its own nuclear waste as well as other reactors ones. It found a number of echoes in Europe, in particular in Spain, Italy and France, as well as in the European Commission ...