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European Union foreign ministers have agreed to make it more difficult for Russians to obtain visas to travel to the bloc, but stopped short of imposing an EU-wide visa ban, as called for by Ukraine. More than six months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the country is holding out against the aggressor, helped by military and financial help from the United States, EU countries and others. Ukrainian forces have recently launched counter-attacks against the Russian military occupying areas in the south ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, aims at gaining deeper insights into the legal aspects of cross border nuclear safety and cooperation in the European Union. It analyses the legal framework of nuclear safety as well as the liability and insurance schemes for nuclear accidents. The study examines the current liability and insurance framework and formulates possibilities for ...


Infopagina's over de EU 01-11-2017

Kerncentrales produceren momenteel ongeveer een derde van de elektriciteit en 14% van de verbruikte energie in de EU. Kernenergie is een koolstofarm alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen en vormt een cruciaal onderdeel van de energiemix van veel lidstaten. In de nasleep van de ramp in Tsjernobyl in 1986 en de nucleaire ramp in Fukushima, Japan, in 2011 is kernenergie echter zeer omstreden geworden. Het besluit van Duitsland om het gebruik van kernenergie geleidelijk te verminderen en uiterlijk in ...

Safety of nuclear installations in Belarus

Kort overzicht 02-06-2016

Thirty years after the Chernobyl accident in neighbouring Ukraine, Belarus is building its first nuclear power plant (NPP). The first unit is set to become operational in 2018 with Russian assistance. However, as the project advances, safety concerns are mounting.

In the past five years, the Turkish leadership has announced a series of megaprojects, the purpose of which is both to support national development, and to gain a place for the country in the world's top ten economies. The main megaprojects include the 'Canalistanbul', which will create an additional shipping channel from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea, a new airport, with the ambition to be the busiest in the world, a third bridge across the Bosphorus in Istanbul, as well as nuclear power plants ...

ITER: the nuclear fusion project

Briefing 28-09-2011

ITER is a €15 billion, 35-year project to build an experimental thermonuclear fusion reactor, which could serve as a basis for a future, larger scale demonstration power source…

Nuclear safety in the EU

Kort overzicht 01-04-2011

In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, there is renewed concern for nuclear safety in the EU. The German government has moved swiftly to close seven of its older reactors, while at EU level, the Commissioner is pushing for "stress tests" on all 143 of the EU's reactors.

The principal aim of this report is to assist the Committee of Petitions of the European Parliament in its consideration of Petition 393/95 brought by Dr. W. Nachtwey. The Petition expresses concerns about radioactive discharges from nuclear reprocessing plants at Sellafield in the UK and La Hague in France, and their possible adverse health effects.

The study seeks to give a brief summary of the extent to which tax policy could play a greater role in the Community's future strategy in the area of energy and environmental policy. It describes possible models for an environmental tax reform, looking in particular at the expenditure side. In this connection it is shown what advantages might be expected if the income from an 'environmental tax' is used to reduce labour costs, e.g. for innovative projects.