
Uw resultaten

Resultaat 10 van 196 resultaten

Cross-border parental child abductions in the EU are governed by The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and (except for Denmark) the Brussels II-ter Regulation. Countries outside of the EU may or may not be Contracting States to ‘the Convention’, but will not be bound by Brussels II-ter. Research has found that the often negative, long-lasting impact of abduction may continue throughout the lifecycle of those who have been abducted. It may also affect future ...

The impact assessment (IA) defines the problems, their drivers, the objectives and the options of the initiative in a robust intervention logic. It explains the initiative's coherence with ongoing legislation. However, the interplay between the initiative and, in particular, the artificial intelligence act and the revised Product Liability Directive with regard to their scope of application and the likely evolution of the problems appear to be addressed insufficiently. The IA is based on several ...

European cross-border associations

Kort overzicht 06-03-2024

Responding to repeated calls from the European Parliament to propose common Union-wide rules to facilitate the cross-border activity of non-profit organisations (NPOs), the Commission has proposed a directive on European cross-border associations (ECBAs). Parliament is due to vote on the report on this proposal, submitted by its Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), during its March plenary session.

De Europese Unie bezit rechtspersoonlijkheid en heeft als zodanig een eigen rechtsorde, die verschilt van de internationale rechtsorde. Het recht van de Europese Unie is ook rechtstreeks of zijdelings van invloed op de wetgeving van haar lidstaten en wordt deel van het rechtsstelsel van elke lidstaat. De Europese Unie is op zichzelf een rechtsbron. De rechtsorde wordt doorgaans ingedeeld in primaire wetgeving (de Verdragen en algemene rechtsbeginselen), secundaire of afgeleide wetgeving (gebaseerd ...

In dit onderzoek wordt ingegaan op grensoverschrijdende claims tot teruggave van roofkunst, met aandacht voor naziroofkunst en koloniale toe-eigeningen, maar ook recentere culturele verliezen als gevolg van illegale smokkel. Hoewel al deze categorieën aanzienlijk van elkaar verschillen, hebben ze ook dingen met elkaar gemeen. In dit onderzoek wordt gekeken naar lacunes in wetgeving en beleid en worden aanbevelingen gedaan over manieren om die te dichten. Dit onderzoek werd in opdracht van de Commissie ...

In deze studie, die op verzoek van de commissie JURI in opdracht van de beleidsondersteunende afdeling Rechten van de burger en Constitutionele Zaken is uitgevoerd, wordt gekeken naar de uitdagingen en mogelijke verbeteringen van de administratieve samenwerking tussen de lidstaten op het gebied van grensoverschrijdende handhaving van administratieve boeten en verzoeken om terugvordering. Voor de bevordering van transnationale samenwerking zijn rechtsinstrumenten nodig. Ook bestaan er in de lidstaten ...

Monthly highlights April 2023

Kort overzicht 27-04-2023

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), has as its aim to analyse the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on the recognition of parenthood in the EU. The study examines the problem of non-recognition of parenthood between Member States and its causes, the current legal framework and the (partial) solutions it offers to this problem, the background of the Commission ...

'This is Europe' – an initiative proposed by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola – consists of a series of debates with EU leaders to discuss their visions for the future of the European Union. On 22 June, the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, was the third EU leader to address the Parliament since its Conference of Presidents endorsed the initiative on 28 April. Mr Plenković considered Croatia to be at the centre of EU integration and expressed his support for more ...

'This is Europe' – an initiative proposed by the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola – consists of a series of debates with EU leaders to discuss their visions for the future of the European Union. Following the first speech in this series by the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, on 3 May 2022, the Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister), Micheál Martin, was the second EU leader to address the Parliament, on 8 June.1 Mr Martin suggested numerous ways to strengthen and further develop ...