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W marcu 2022 r. Komisja przedstawiła wniosek dotyczący dyrektywy w sprawie zwalczania przemocy wobec kobiet i przemocy domowej w UE, a na początku 2024 r. współprawodawcy uzgodnili tekst kompromisowy tego aktu. Głosowanie Parlamentu w sprawie wniosku odbędzie się podczas drugiej kwietniowej sesji plenarnej. Nowa dyrektywa określałaby minimalne standardy kryminalizacji poważnych form przemocy oraz poprawy prewencji, dostępu do wymiaru sprawiedliwości i ochrony ofiar.

Podczas pierwszej kwietniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad dwoma wnioskami mającymi na celu wzmocnienie uprawnień i mandatu krajowych organów ds. równości w zakresie zwalczania dyskryminacji ze względu na płeć, rasę, religię lub światopogląd, niepełnosprawność, wiek i orientację seksualną

One hundred years after women won the right to vote in elections or were first elected to parliament in some EU Member States, they continue to be under-represented in politics and public life. This is true whether looking at the composition of the European Parliament or that of national parliaments, governments and local assemblies. On the other hand, gender balance in politics benefits not only women and female politicians but also political parties themselves and the rest of society. Women form ...

Równość płci w sporcie

W skrócie 04-03-2024

Sport, silnie kojarzony z męskością, jest jedną z najbardziej nierównych pod względem płci instytucji społecznych we współczesnym społeczeństwie i tradycyjnie jest zdominowany przez mężczyzn zarówno pod względem uczestnictwa, jak i zarządzania. Kobiety zostały wykluczone z pierwszych współ¬czesnych igrzysk olimpijskich, które odbyły się w Atenach w 1896 r., i dopiero cztery lata później mogły stopniowo zacząć w nich uczestniczyć. Mimo że obecność i udział kobiet w ruchu olimpijskim stopniowo ewoluowały ...

Women continue to be under-represented in EU countries at all levels of political decision-making as well as in political parties. The origins of this situation are complex, but one reason stands out: violence against women active in politics discourages many women from entering the political arena. Female politicians are exposed to two severe and intersecting forms of violence: political violence and gender-based violence. Violence against people active in politics, whether men or women, is a major ...

This comparative analysis of the national legislation on rape in European Union Member States provides an overview of legal provisions with a focus on the notion of consent. According to the proposed EU directive on violence against women and domestic violence, lack of consent from victims of rape should be made a constitutive element of the crime.

As the mobility of people in the EU's ageing societies increases, so does the need to protect a particular group – vulnerable adults. Because of an impairment or insufficiency in their personal faculties, these adults are unable to protect their interests and have to rely on support from others. While all EU Member States have established legal provisions and practices addressing these people's needs, they are highly divergent, for example, as regards powers of representation. Besides these national ...

Several EU directives dealing with equality require EU Member States to establish equality bodies with a focus on assisting victims of discrimination and preventing and fighting discrimination on the grounds listed under the directives. However, their rules are general and have no precise definition of these bodies' duties and manner of operation, thus leading to disparities among the Member States' bodies. Additionally, the work of some Member States' bodies has been hampered by lack of resources ...

Violence directed against a woman because she is a woman, or that affects women disproportionately ('gender-based violence against women') is a violation of fundamental rights, and a major obstacle to gender equality in all EU Member States. Despite increased attention, national legislation does not offer equal protection for women against all forms of gender-based violence across the EU, and there are significant gaps in the measures adopted at EU level. On 8 March 2022, the European Commission ...

Gender-balanced representation among the decision-makers of the European Union is an important step towards full realisation of the principle of equality between women and men enshrined in the EU Treaties. The Union has made steady and significant progress, starting from a very low presence of women among EU Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament at the time when those institutions were created. The European Parliament is today one of the world's most gender-balanced representative ...